First impressions

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Cato's POV
10am the next day I woke up to Wally banging on my door again, "get up mutt! You have ten minutes until your private with the game makers, don't expect me to wake you next time!" I grunted a reply , flinging the sheets off of me and quickly changing into the outfit my prep team had given me. It was another tracksuit similar to yesterday's one, this time it was black with a fiery red stripe down the side of the pants. On the top I wore a plain black t-shirt with a stone mason symbol representing district two's trade, masonry (Image at the top) topping it off with a red zip up jacket and black boots. "Morning princess" Clove appeared on my right as I walked out of my room. I looked at her awkwardly with a smile, we hadn't spoken since  our little moment last night and I still felt awful. I loved her at one point in my life so how come I could't remember her? Why wouldn't she tell me what happened? She said it didn't matter but she was wrong , I loved her and now I don't remember her. That matters a Hell of a lot. I'm determined to find out before it's too late.

" District two, Cato" they announced my name. It was finally my turn to show off my talents , to show the game makers my skills as a tribute and hopefully score big , gaining sponsors before entering the arena in two days time.
The head game maker Seneca Crane motioned for me to begin. As they settled into their seats to criticise my performance I picked up a spear from the rack twirling it in my hand before aiming it at the target before me.As the spear flew across the room towards the target my heart was racing, I was praying that my aim would be on point and that it would hit the target and not miss it.
Bulls eye! By some miracle of chance it hit the centre of the target despite my crappy aim. Seneca Crane and the other game makers applauded. I bowed and left the room feeling confidant. I know I can win this, I've known it for years and as a career tribute what could possibly go wrong? There was a 50/50 chance I would die in the arena but it was a risk I wasn't afraid of, I would kill everyone who got in my way even if that meant betraying my allies. Then a thought hit me, what if it came down to me and Clove? I don't remember who she is, but I can't kill someone I once loved, even if it came down to me and that Katniss from district twelve  I could probably manage, after all it'd be just another kill. But what if it was Clove? I knew I had to protect her and protect her I would.

I know it's not much and I'm sorry it been two years since I last updated, I know I'm a terrible person! But I've been busy with school and I was in hospital a few months ago and shit just keeps happening but I'm back now :) just so you know I don't pre write chapters or regularly update (sorry) but I hope you're enjoying my fic and keep reading. I'm almost finished school so hopefully I can write more when I have more time . Vote, comment, fan and let me know if you like it, also who's been here from the beginning waiting for updates and who's only just started reading? I appreciate your patience ,
Much love Lauren xxxxxx

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