Thinking of you

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Cato's POV

After training Clove and I go back to our suite. We sit down on the sofa silently side by side waiting for Wally.

Clove breaks the silence first "If we're going to be a team we'll have to start thinking of some tactics you know?" I'm stunned, I thought she hated me but I take the opportunity, " A team? I thought you hated me princess?" I smile at her smugly.

" Princess? not bad think that one up all by yourself?" I loved it when she was sarcastic.

" ha ha very funny, though I think I can handle being a team if you can"

" It's settled then." she smiles and then Wally graces us with his presence washing her smile away like the waves upon sand. " you two better start practicing your skills if you want to impress the game makers and lure in promising sponsors, Cato, what can you do? hunt? shoot?" I had to think, i'd never been hunting due to the strict Capitol 'no hunting rule' and I could barely shoot straight, however I could quite swiftly snap the neck of another tribute, my body is bulked with muscles, which i've been developing upon in a make-shift gym since I was12. My aim wasn't the best but it was enough to pierce the heart of anyone who came too close, so I answered Wally in a calm tone, "I can't shoot, or hunt or throw very straight but Im safe, If someone comes charging at me I can easily snap their neck within seconds, they wouldn't even feel it." of course that last bit was probably a lie. " well think how you can display that in your personal training with the Game Makers, and Clove, what tricks can you display, if any" I was enraged at his treatment toward Clove and lost it, I almost snapped his neck, luckily our stylists had arrived in time to drag me away from him though he was pretty weak I gave into his grip.

" what a way to treat your mentor," wally says, and I am certain now that I have no hope with him, "you think you can just tear me to shreads and waltz into the arena single handedly and live? well you can't. Next time you want my help just remembered who you almost killed" I think to myself what a way to die that'd be, not being sponsored because you tore your mentor apart...

" you know, that was a pretty stupid move back there, you trying to Kill Wally," my gay stylist Nigel says.

" Yeah I just got mad I guess, he kinda insulted Clove and it got to me, I'm kinda protective of her"

"you mean you like her?"

" well I could, but I don't know, there's this other gir....." he buts in "Stop! you can't be interested in two women, you have to choose one. It never works out.... trust me... I'm gay" Nigel says

" I can't help thinking of Clove as a sister, I loved her once but I only remembered her at the reaping..." Nigel sighs and goes on to offer his advice. " thanks Nigel" I say pretending to listen when in fact I didnt listen to a word he said.

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