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chapter seven.

BROOKE LAID IN HER BED, the lumpy mattress under her back as she stared into her book

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BROOKE LAID IN HER BED, the lumpy mattress under her back as she stared into her book. She want really processing the words on the page, her eyes were just loosely scanning over the material— something she'd regret later. In her defense, it was hard to concentrate with the rowdiness of the wrangler's poker game from the kitchen. Brooke was one shout away from sleeping in her truck.

"It's Saturday night. This all we're gonna do?" Avery scoffed with a laugh as she looked around. Brooke rolled her eyes at the girl, "Jesus! Is it just the one set of testicles y'all share?"

A loud laugh echoed around from Cowboy's spot on the couch, "You know, except for the pair I'm wearing, she's got the only set of balls in this bunkhouse," the man sat up and faced the poker players, "When I was your age, we was out in the arena playin' real poker. Cowboy poker."

"There's a thought," Lloyd muttered. Brooke closed her book as she turned her head over to watch the men debating amongst each other.

"Get your ass out in the arena!"

"Sorry, what's cowboy poker?" Jimmy asked, looking around for an answer.

Ryan shook his head, sparing a glance in the boys direction, "We're not gonna do it so don't worry about it."

Ryan's words had seemed to be a lie. Brooke follow far behind to loud and half intoxicated group of cowboys as they dragged chairs into the center of the area. Brooke somberly watched as Lloyd separated one single bull.

Gripping the railing, Brooke pulled herself to sit on the very top rung of the fence. She pulled the dark blue wrangler jacket closer into her body as she tried to find some sort of warmth.

"You ain't wantin' to get in on that?" Walker asked as he sat on the top rung of the fence next to Brooke, "seems like just your speed."

The two wranglers hadn't talked much, not since the man asked her to leave the Yellowstone ranch after locking lips in a horse stall. It wasn't due to avoidance per se, the ranch was a busy place and Brooke hadn't seen the lot of them. She was awake before they were, leaving the bunkhouse to run outside early before the sun even began rising and didn't turn into bed before noon came out. Her schedule didn't make for good socialization.

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