Part 5

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!!music to listen to for this part !!

Danielle's POV

A few months have gone by since I started talking with Putty. We've become pretty close. We catch up every week. I've started going to church more often and he's shut up about the gay stuff. Sadly, I've not made as much progress with Clay. He's been grumpier than usual lately, probably because of his failed hunting trip with his son and the upcoming elections. He's been the mayor of Moralton for years and was never opposed, until this year. An old hag called Frances is running against him. She even got Orel to help her! Because of this, my Clay bear hasn't been in the mood to flirt with me anymore. I'm quite distraught.

Thankfully though, he called me this morning and invited me to the pub. I'm gonna take back what's mine aheheh.

I walk in and sit next to him at the bar. He looks as sexy as ever, just tired. He already has 3 empty glasses in front of him, at 2 PM. I sigh and start conversing with him. He tells me about his camping trip and about Orel getting in the way of him and a bear. I laugh seductively and we flirt like the good ol days. He leans in. This is it! We're finally gonna kiss!! Suddenly the door opens and Clay snaps away from me.

''I have to attend to'', he says, getting up and sitting next to the lady.

I recognize her. It's Frances. The crusty dusty egg loving librarian. I sigh and turn back around. I glimpse something weird in a mirror hanging on the wall in front of me. I look back at Clay to see him frenching Frances! He's shoving his tongue into her nasty mouth and rubbing an egg on her lap. Drool spills out of her mouth and he licks it off her cheek and continues kissing her. They start moaning gross stuff like ''you're mommy's little hatchling'' and ''this is the best egg ever''. 

At the sight of this horror, my stomach tangles and nausea hits me like a train. I run outside and throw up in a trash can. My Clay, the man I've been putting all my time and effort into for a year, was kissing another woman on our date, right in front of me! My heart aches and I do the best I can to not crumble onto the snowy ground and cry. 

''Oh, I thought I was done with this whole emotion business.'', I say to myself.

I start walking home. Everything I pass reminds me of him. The Christmas carolers, the guy dressed up as Santa, I even see a wall covered with posters saying to vote for him as mayor. I think I've got a problem. I walk home in the snow and crawl into a ball on my couch to cry.

Suddenly, someone rings my doorbell. I compose myself and my heart starts to race. I wonder if it's Clay, coming to apologize. I open the door with a smile but instead of seeing Clay, I see Rod. 

-How's it going Danielle, he says with a sympathetic smile.

Reverend Putty's POV

Life has sure been great recently!! l forgot how nice it is to have friends! Danielle is great. He's been so nice to me these past few months. He's definitely one of my bestfriends. The others being God and Stephanie of course. Even though we're friends, Dan still hasn't told me who is boyfriend is. I'm not allowed to ask about it though. We've agreed not to talk about hell or homosexuality together, to not cause useless conflicts. I don't mind, I'm just sooo curious! I've gone through a list of most men in town. My guess is that it's either Principal Fakey (they work together and Fakey doesn't mind cheating on his wife) , officer Papermouth( is divorced and seems like a sissy to me) and Mr Nohammer(he understands women too much to be straight). Sadly, I don't have any proof of anything.

Anyways, today's Christmas! Good ol Jesus's birthday. I invited Danielle to celebrate it with me but he said he was busy. Oh well, I guess I'll just play solitaire in my office. Alone. 

And that's exactly what I did. After about an hour though, my stomach started rumbling. I ran out of Jeez-its last week so there was nothing to eat there. I decided to run to the All you can eat-ery and get myself some lunch. On the way there, I heard some weird retching sounds in an alley. I watched as Danielle walked out and started walking away. He looked so disheveled, my heart broke. I called his name but he didn't seem to hear me; I was pretty far up the street. I decided to follow him, to make sure he didn't do anything impulsive. 

We walked along the sidewalk. He seemed distressed at the sight of some Christmas carolers and a Santa. He stopped after awhile to look at a wall. I heard him say something about a problem and he started off again. I glanced at the wall after he left. There were posters of Clay Puppington, the town mayor, plastered all over it. I started linking the clues together. Was he the mystery man? He couldn't be. Clay was the most respected man in Moralton! I ignored it and continued following Dan. He reached his house and shut the door behind him. I thought about going home but the memory of Danielle's sad face forced me to go further. My heart beat quickly and I decided I needed to try and help him. I rung his doorbell and waited for him to open it. 

The door opened and his face seemed disappointed at the sight of me.

-How's it going Danielle?, I say softly.

I see him trying to smile. His mouth turns down and he melts into tears. He leans over and hugs me tightly. It was surprising to say the least. He had never showed me any kind of affection before. He wouldn't even maintain eye contact with me for too long. I guess this just shows how hurt he is. 

I put my arms around his waist and rub his back a bit. I can smell his perfume and his aftershave. It's a mix of geranium and cedarwood. Quite pleasant. He pulls back and tries to say something but fails and just looks at me with a frown.

-Do ya mind if-

I'm cut off by my stomach rumbling loudly. He smiles and invites me into his home. He hadn't eaten lunch yet either so he heats up some tv dinners for us. I feel kinda bad making him feed me but he insists. We sit at the table and start eating. Dan seems like he calmed down so I start talking.

-So uh...What happened?

-Do you really want to know?  It's something we agreed not to talk about.

-No please! I don't mind at all. It's good to get things off your chest.

-Well, for a year now, I've been talking to this guy...

He explains me the whole situation. I'm pretty surprised to hear that Clay is fruity. I'm even more surprised by the gross details of him and Frances. Just thinking about that makes me shudder. Danielle stays calm while he's talking, but I can tell that he's holding back tears. He asks me how l got to his house at the right moment and l confess that I was stalking him a bit. He blushes a bit when l admit that I saw everything and I apologize. 

-It's ok. I'm glad you're here Rod. You're an amazing friend aheh.

-Oh you're exaggerating. It's the least I could do for my best buddy! 

-I guess. I haven't been a good friend to you though. I've been so preoccupied by Clay that l brushed you off. I'm sorry.

-Don't worry about it Danny, you've been the best thing to happen to me since Stephanie. You're the best friend I could ask for.

I wait for him to yell at me or nudge me for the use of his nickname but he just chuckled and sighed. I suddenly remembered something and got up.

-Ah shit, speaking of Stephanie. She's probably waiting for me right now! She agreed to spend Christmas evening with me. Sorry, I have to go.

He got up and led me to the door. 

-Yeah, I should probably head to work ahahah.


I hugged him one last time and walked back home.

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