Wrong Side Of Life

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Fans cheered and screamed as Miles tuned his guitar for his next song. The album has been a hit, quickly climbing the UK album charts.

"So I've got my new album, it's called Coup de Grace, and this is erm, a new song off of that. It's called 'The Wrong Side of Life." Miles voice rang out over the crowd, a scattered few screaming over him. This song was dedicated to Alex, although nobody knew, his live debut of the song. Miles was hoping Alex would tune into the livestream.

Miles took a step back, wiping the sweat from his face before looking back at his drummer, waiting for his cue. His buzz cut has since grown out, a small amount of stubble lining his sharp jawline, his face covered in a sheen of sweat. It had been a little over a month since Alex had last talked to him, so much for something to rely on. They've had one last chat since their steamy phone call, this one did not end as nicely. Honestly, Miles wasn't sure that this was an argument that they could recover from. Usually they made up fairly quickly, but both of them exchanged some pretty regretful words and haven't spoken a word to each other since.

Alright. It's time. Hopefully if I cry, my sweat will cover my tears.

Softly, Miles sang into the mic, his voice sounded absolutely angelic, delicate, fragile even.
"Feel the masquerades follow your rain cloud, there's no water, no water. You're just my mirage."
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Miles voiced cried out in a raspy tone,
"I was sitting all alone, I pulled the rug from you. I bought the Holy Ghost to watch over you."
He squeezed his eyes shut as grasped onto the microphone tightly,
"Baby I'm on fire, maybe I'm a liar. Baby I would die for you." He opened his eyes briefly, the anger dancing around in his glimmering eyes. The tears are already about to fall.
"Oh how I feel, I feel you don't love me no more.."
Miles grabbed onto the neck of his guitar and started playing, screaming back into the microphone.
"Whenever you love, whenever you leave. It's such a dirty, dirty irony. Whatever the situation baby, I'll be there on my knees. Not getting enough, yeah."
Miles took in a deep breath before yelling back into the mic, the veins in his neck popping out. You could hear the heartbreak and anger shaking in his voice.
"I was sitting on the throne like Marc Antony, I'd die for you." Miles pulled from the mic, his face stricken with a remorseful rage as he resumed his song. "Mark Antony's high for you, I'm bad for you oh I'm a wreck."
Miles once again pulled away, his eyes filled with tears as he let out a deep sigh before pressing his lips back to his microphone.
"I was sitting all alone, I feel like I'm fighting for you."
I can't hold them back anymore.
Miles reached up his hand and pulled his hair back, wiping off a few tears as he did so.
"I just want to vibe with you, get high with you, loosing control..."

Later that night, after the festival

The rest of Miles' performance went well, the crowd was impeccable, there had to have been something in the air. The audience was interactive and excited, Miles even got a medal from someone in the crowd. Stirring his drink, Miles quickly whipped up a cocktail before sitting down on his couch, pulling out his phone and getting the livestream all set up just before transferring it to his TV. He sang along with himself, snapping a few pictures here and there of the tv with his phone, quickly posting everything to his Instagram story. The show closed out with Come Closer, a crowd favorite, everyone screamed the words along with him. Miles watched himself take a couple bows and walk off the stage, the audience roaring before the stream came to an end.

What a great show. Only 2 more shows until I see Alex. Do I even really want to see him anymore? I definitely don't if he's going to treat me the way he did last time we talked. Why doesn't he want me..

Miles sighed as he slumped back onto the couch, taking a large swig of the drink he had mixed up, staring up at the ceiling. "I'd do anything for him. Why doesn't he do the same for me.." Miles whispered aloud, feeling tears start to prickle up as he wiped his face with his hands.

Nothing to cry over, get over it.

Miles pulled out his phone and lazily scrolled through his Instagram home page, liking almost every post he came across as he continued to sip on his cocktail. His explore page was littered with The Last Shadow Puppets pictures that fan pages have been posting consistently, always tagging Miles in every single one of them. Miles didn't want to linger on the pictures too much, he could feel the wave of tears coming on as he quickly closed out of his apps, tossing his phone onto the couch. Fuck. I'm a wreck.
Miles laid his head in his hands and let the tears flow, he hadn't cried this hard in months. His back heaved as he let out his sobs, Alex's words replaying over and over in his head 'we can't be together.'

He didn't even give me a reason why. It's so back and forth between him. Once I have him to myself he's like putty in my hands and wants nobody else in the world. But every time he's away, I suddenly don't exist. Why does he continue to play with me? Am I just another form of entertainment for him? Why doesn't he see me and realize that I am enough for him? We belong together, why can't he fucking see that? Or does he see it, and just not want me?

Miles grabbed his phone, pulling up Alex's contact.
He stared at it, this thumb lingering over the call button. Even if he doesn't want to hear from me, I need to talk to him. The phone dialed and started to ring, Alex was slow to pick up the phone, but at least he picked up.

"Uh, hello?" You could hear a girl laughing in the background. That's not Taylor's voice.

"Oh erm.." Miles voice was shaky from his tears as he tried to intently listen to the background noise on the phone, the girl was trying to whisper something, he couldn't quite understand..

"Sorry Miles, but this really isn't a good time, you sound like shit too mate. Get some rest, talk to you later." Alex hung up.

I sound like shit because of you asshole.
Miles sat on the couch staring at his phone, I'm absolute disbelief. Disgusted. I can't believe he just hung up on me. Does Taylor know what's going on?

Alex's name popped up at the top of his phone, he had texted Miles.
"Fyi Taylor and I broke up. Towards the end of July, sorry I didn't mention it."

Sorry I didn't mention it? What about all those nights we talked about actually having a life together? Didn't mention it? Forgot about me again? Moved on real quick huh Al, can't go without getting your dick wet for 5 fucking minutes.

Miles let out a scream as he tossed his phone, collapsing onto the floor, the tears coming back to him as he began to sob on the carpet in his living room. "Why can't I fucking have him.." Miles whimpered through his tears, his slim frame shaking with his cries.

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