See Ya When I See Ya

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It had been a few years since Miles and Alex saw each other. With COVID mandates finally starting to be lifted, Alex surprisingly reached out to Miles, asking him to meet up at a cafe for a late lunch. Alex wanted to share his new concept for an album that he had been working on, The Car. Louise (Pauline, if you're close enough) had agreed that Alex and Miles could meet up, but it had to be in public. Alex was such a submissive, he would let anyone he dated nearly control every aspect of his life– not just his sex life. Miles was convinced that Louise was under the impression that Alex was his little toy and that he would immediately succumb to Miles' seduction the minute they could be alone. Maybe at one point, but Alex had made it clear who he wanted to be with, and Miles had already set boundaries.

Really, the lunch was quite formal. It felt.. out of place. Their dynamic wasn't quite the same anymore, something in Alex had changed. He seemed sadder than usual. They met and exchanged a hug, went inside the cafe and sat in a rather secluded corner, away from any peering eyes. Alex was always so stressed about being seen in public, he hated the attention. Not like the pandemic really changed much of Alex's daily life, he was always a hermit and without Miles at his beck and call, he hardly ever got out anymore.
After a rather lengthy and drawn out discussion over certain finger plucking methods and some small jokes about Miles' new braces, Miles excused himself to go have a smoke on the patio.

Miles pulled his mask on and headed out the front door, immediately pulling off his mask and taking out a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket. As he scanned the cars passing by he placed the cigarette in his lips, trying to hold back the small amount of dignity he had left– not to mention the tears that were brimming along his ducts.

"Need a light?" Alex's voice suddenly rang.

Miles turned his head so his cigarette dangled in front of Alex's steady hand. Alex cupped his hand around the end, quickly lighting Miles' cigarette, his eyes lingering on Miles' lips a little too long before turning away to light his own cig.

A few beats passed.

"It's good to see you." Alex said, trying to break the tension. "I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear enough."

Miles took a drag, keeping his eyes forward.

"It's been two years, Al." Miles said, exhaling a plume of smoke upwards. "It's been–"

"Hey!" A man called out, a few others surrounding him. "We're such big fans, could we get a quick picture?"

Alex put on a measly smile and nodded, pulling Miles in a little closer to him before dropping his hand back down by his side. They huddled together, not really caring much about social distancing as a random passerby quickly took their picture.

The men tried to stay and chat for a little, eventually getting put off by the lack of conversation before excusing themselves to leave the two men to it.

"Well Al." Miles said as he took the last draw of his cigarette, quickly stamping it out with his heel.
"I better get going."

Alex looked defeated, like this meet up didn't live up to his expectations at all. He woefully smudged his cigarette out against the brick of the cafe they ate at.
Alex offered his arms open for a hug, inviting Miles into them. Miles held onto him, breathing in the familiar scent that lingered on every item of Alex's clothing.

Miles pulled away and looked Alex once over, trying not to say something stupid.

"I think I met a girl." Miles said abruptly. Maybe he was trying to make Alex jealous. Honestly, he didn't even know why he brought it up, they hadn't even started dating yet.

Alex raised his eyebrows, placing a hand on Miles' shoulder. "Eh?"

"Yeah, we should double sometime." Miles said. Why the fuck did I say that? What is wrong with you Miles??

"Oh, yeah. Definitely man." Alex replied, pulling his hand back away. "Well, good seeing you."

Jesus Christ this was awkward.

Miles nodded and made his way off down the sidewalk, thankfully Alex picked someplace close enough to Miles' flat. Maybe that was purposeful, either way Miles was over Alex getting everything he wanted.

Over the next handful of months that passed during the pandemic, Miles poured his heart out into a new album he was working on called 'Change The Show'. With nothing else to do but strum away day after day, he'd nearly completed the album and was absolutely buzzing for mandates to be lifted so he could get out and preform. He couldn't keep himself away from the stage. He was truly his full self when he was on the stage, the only other times he felt like this were with, well, Alex of course. Miles also released a few summery singles with the help and inspiration from his newfound love, Nadya.

Nadya, Miles' new girlfriend, was practically begging to meet Alex and Louise. It might have just been time to ask Alex to take up that double date offer.

"My god she's just so pretty." Nadya said, extra emphasis on 'pretty' as she stalkerish-ly scrolled through Louise's instagram, careful not to like any pictures. Nadya's food was starting to grow cold. Miles groaned.

"Fine, I'll text him." Miles responded, twirling his pasta around his fork, carefully using his spoon as his guide.

Nadya didn't know about their past, and Miles really didn't plan on telling her. Either way, she'd probably find out anyway. She's rather good at picking up on things. In truth, Miles really wasn't the best at keeping his emotions to himself.

Miles picked up his phone and opened up Alex's contact information, shooting him a quick text.

'Still up for that double date? Missing ya x'

Delete delete delete.

'Still up for that double date?'


"Okay, it's sent. Happy now?" Miles said. Nadya happily clapped her hands before resuming her dinner.

"Nows time to wait this man's slow to reply." Miles said as he went back to eating, truthfully dreading the date that would follow his request. If it was anything like their last encounter, the four of them were in for a long and painful night.

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