When we first met

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Nagito's POV

this is my AU btw

"Ugh I'm going late again ,I really fucking hate going to school I'm better off without it" I said as someone bumped into me "Ow!-Huh I have never seen you here before-" I said as he then said "I'm uhm sorry about that ,so your also late" the shorter boy said as he looked me in my eyes"Yes I am unfortunately..." we both just looked at each other he then started laughing for some reason?"Why tf are you laughing." I said as I looked at his stupid short ass face " O-Oh it's just that -NVM WE ARE VERY LATE NOW LETS GO" He screamed as he got my hand and ran into the school ,I am honestly confused about this guy's intention

"What is your first period?" He asked me I just responded "My first period is math unfortunately .."I said as he then responded quickly "Oh me too ,well let's go" He said as he actually hold my hand which made me a bit embarrassed who does this guy think he is .As we got into the classroom of course I got in trouble with the teacher "Komaeda ,will you explain why you are late again."This bitch "Well I was helping the new guy you stupid hoe-" I said as the new guy covered my mouth "Go to your seat Komaeda " Really I just to my seat , I could hear the girls talking about me not the bad things but about how I'm hot or some shitty thing .The teacher of course asked him to introduce himself I personally think his tits are the biggest ones I've ever seen.

As he later spoke "My name is Hajime Hinata I hope we all get along " then the teacher told him to choose where to sit "Sit over here!!!" "No over here" everyone were fighting for who gets to sit with him while they were he then came up to me "Can I sit next to you Komaeda?" He looked at me as he smiled i just blushed "Oh- uh sure Hinata-kun" everyone started  at us and then starter whispering I couldn't and didn't want to hear they're shitty thoughts so yeah .

After class

Then I felt something grip onto my hand it was Hajime's hand I was comfortable with him for some reason I didn't think much of it "So your name is Nagito Komaeda right?" "Yeah ,why?" He then looked away for some reason "Well do you want to be friends.." I then looked at him I was shocked I never really had a friend maybe because I am a bitch  and a dumbass"Sure your officially my first friend!"
"I am your first friend?" " Yeah I never really had a friend "
"But aren't you popular?!?!"
"Yeah I am but ppl don't come up to me bc they think I'm gonna be rude " "Well I don't think you are" he smiled and looked at me I just looked away "Well want this chocolate Hinata-kun" I said as I had a chocolate in my hand pointing at him "Sure ,thank you Nagito!" We then had to got to our class.

This took only a few minutes  and I was lazy while making it

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