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Anjali stood frowned seeing her ever busy Chote nowadays so kind to drop and pick up Arohi from her school.

“Weird…” She mumbled munching the food on her plate.. She had to gossip about her chote’s weird behaviour to dear husband Shyam, who is on his business trip..

She made a mental note! That she should investigate the reason behind his behaviour. Soon… After that accident, only recently he start smiling..


Khushi looked Arnav’s yearning eyes as she avoided his gaze. He is courting for months now. But he never made his intentions clear to her, she can see his desire in his eyes… Typical of a rich man. Taking advantage of middle ladies are their hobby after all.

She closes the school gate as his car moved from there. Time to go home..

She went to her neighbour Kamla’s house first.

“Maasi.. Did she make any trouble for you?” Khushi asked as she take the baby from Kamla, and kissed the baby.

“Khushi bitiya, our Aashi is really obedient.. Such a cutie.. Poor girl lost her father too soon..” Kamla pitied both mother and daughter for their misfortuned life..

Khushi felt bad for lying to this kind hearted lady. If only he didn’t abandoned them. Aashi would have a complete family.

“That piece of garbage, human waste…” She scold Aashi’s father in her heart. Aashi hugged her in glee seeing her mother.


At night..

After putting Aashi to sleep, she looked that their old messages..

“Will your family accept me an orphan as their daughter in law?”

“Don’t worry baby.. I will take care of them.. Anyway I miss you baby..”

Changing the topic.. Huh.. How much of fool she was…

“Thank you for everything.. You’re the best thing ever happen to me.. Love you baby…. Did I hurt you last night?”

“No.. I’m shy.. Woh.. About our marriage..”

“My sister is calling me, I will talk to you later..”

She found a sense of belongingness in him after being an orphan for her whole life, but he easily brush her off like always..

“I’m pregnant..”

“Please reply back.. Why are not picking up your phone?”

“You can’t do this to me.. This is your child, please answer my calls! We will die without you..”

He avoided her like a plague after she got pregnant his child. For his reputation.. For his family sake, he abandoned them…

“Have you ever love me? Were you pretending this whole time? What about our child?”

His answer struck her like a thunder, last message.. From Aashi’s father..

“You should realise your standing. Do you think you’re suited to be my wife? Raizada’s bride? As a middle class you’re, you should be aware of your standing. That child.. Are you sure that child is mine? If it is, just abort it. It’s a mistake, I will give you a huge sum of money as a settlement. Forget me and never show up before me and my family, if you want to live!”

The man she loved and trust, betrayed her just like that…

The money credited into her account, a sum of a money which she can’t probably afford in her life time.

1crore rupees… She decides to hide her child from them and gave birth.

“Just because you forgot everything after the accident, doesn’t mean your sin also will be forgiven, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada..”She whispered as she looked at his picture in magazine. Soon him and his so called high class family will pay for everything.

Her tears fell out of her eyes slowly.


At same time…

Arnav stared at his pool, in deep thought of Khushi. Her eyes, her smile… Her innocence gesture makes his heart fluttered.

His lips curved into a smile just as he thought of her.

First time in his entire life, he felt alive.. She makes him feel alive.. He need her by his side.

Marriage was something he didn’t have belief in but.. After seeing his sister with Jeejaji.. Arohi.. Their perfect family.

If only she likes him back..If only she smiles at him.

“Should I confess my feelings?” He wondered, he should make his intentions clear to her.

What if she refused? What if she has someone else? There’s so many what if’s in his mind right now. Afraid of a rejection…

There’s no one to asked an advice from.. Jeejaji is not option, he might spill it to his Di. Akash?

He picked up and called his cousin brother, who is settled in US.

After so many missed calls and he finally picked up.

“Hello Bhai?”

“Akash.. I think I’m in love and I need some advise from you..”


Next day..

As she got off from work, she saw him with a bouquet of flowers, red roses.

“For you Miss.Gupta” He gave her the roses and she took them unconsciously, staring at his gentle smile, his handsome face.

“Don’t fall for his face Khushi… He is a scum!” She reminded herself mentally.

“Can I ask you for a date?” He asked politely.

“Let’s go nearby cafe.. We need to talk.” She said with nervous tone.

His face brightened by her positive response.

“Sure, Let’s go.” At this moment he is willing to go wherever she is taking him to..

They went to the cafe, and took a seat.

“Black coffee no sugar.”

“Milk tea.”

They placed the order which they served in few minutes.

She slowly stir her tea as he spoke up.

“I like you..”

“And I don’t.” She told him, coldly. Which surprised him.

“What do you mean?” He asked looking at her with wide open eyes.

“Mr. Raizada, sometimes in life not everything you wish for will be yours. And I am one of them.” She said nonchalantly.

“Ms. Gupta, listen I’m sincere about you.. About us. I’m in love with you. I also can sense your interest in me.” He said.

“Have you ever love me? Were you pretending this whole time? What about our child?”

Their conversation ranged back in her mind. Made her swallowed hard.


“Then?” He asked hopefully.

“Will you marry me? Mr Raizada?” She asked him straight forwardly.

To be continued…

Hi guys, I'm back... I have been busy with work and also my close cousin got engaged yesterday. I will to update everyday like before. Please let me know what you think about this chapter, Please support this story and see you in next update.

ARSHI: PREPLANNED LOVE (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now