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Akash told them his side of story..

2 years ago, he came back to India with his friend, without family’s knowledge.

He met Payal at temple, it became their meeting place. Soon, They fallen in love so fast that they couldn't live without each other...

Payal becoming more possessive towards him, anxious that he might leave her one day. He talked to his mother about Payal. Manorama told him that wants to meet Payal to make sure that Payal’s feelings towards her son is genuine or not.

Akash was confident of his love, he also trust his mother a lot. Manorama asked him to handover his phone to her, saying he should not contact Payal in meanwhile.

A days later..

She gave him, his phone back with disappointed face.

"What happened mom?" He asked in worried, did she not like Payal?

"That girl, Payal Pansare is not suitable for you bitwa.." She told him, went away in tears.

Two days..

He tried to reach payal via call, but she didn't answer his calls.

"Mom say what you told Payal? Why is she not answering my phone calls?" He demand an answer from his mother.

"I told that girl if she marry you she has to sign a prenup, she won't get anything.  I just lie to see her true color. You know what she told me? 'What else is good about Akash? If it isn't for his money, I wouldn't even be with him.'  See, son she cheated you.." Manorama said with sorrowful tone.

Akash couldn't believe his hears... His baby won't do this to him..

"She even took a money to leave you alone. 1 crore .. Money isn't important as my son so I gave the money.. She will leave this country and go enjoy her life for better."

Akash ran to Payal's house only to find her house locked, he forcefully broke into the house, he was devastated that she was nowhere to be found.

Akash fell down on his knees crying.. for 2 years he left the country, everyone thought he was in London for five years and have never come to India all these years but it wasn't the truth..

Akash thought so what if Payal didn't actually love him? His love was true and he never forget.. At same time he decided to never disturb her life if that's what she wants...

He didn't even go back to India when he heard Arnav had an accident.

"That’s what happen..." Akash finished explaining his pov, "But Khushi Bhabhi, why are you accusing BHAI?"

Tears were continuesly falls down from her eyes, "Woh.."

Khushi's Pov..

At age of 5 she lost her parents in car accident, Payal who also was involved in the accident survived. They were sent  to orphanage, she was adopted by Shashi and Garima Gupta who also suffering from loss of their daughter Pari.

They treated her good and sponsored Payal's education. But they didn't allow both of them to meet because they want Khushi to think of them as her real parents.

They grown up apart, Payal wasn't adopt by anyone and lived all alone after reached 18.

Khushi one day discovered payal whereabouts from her friend Ramya who works as a detective.

When she met Payal for first time I  years, she saw her terrible condition, heavily pregnant. Soon she gave birth to a baby girl... without a father..

Khushi refused to let the baby to face same fate as Payal. She took over Payal's place, disowned her parents who refused to accept the baby.

They warned her she is destroying her perfect,luxurious life for sake of Payal. But she refused to listen to them.

She took care of Aashi, asked Ramya to investigate gate about Raizada, who destroyed Payal's life.

Akash Singh Raizada whom alibis were strong, he is still in abroad.

Arnav Singh Raizada who was the same a rogue who misbehave with her all the times and makes her uncomfortable. And she rejected him cruelly when he proposed to her.

It was a easy guess who cheated her sister. Arnav Singh Raizada..

She misunderstood.. the only clue she got was Payal's mobile phone.

"But why didn't you use name to address each other?" She asked him.

Akash blushed a little,"I liked to call her baby.. And she calls me honey because she is shy to say my name.." He said holding Payal’s hand, payal respond a bit by gripping his hand. "She is holding me hand tighter.." He said.

"Doctor said that the person she loves only can heal her.. it seems so.." Khushi wipes her tears and saw Arnav still looking mad.

"Wait.. the person who cause this all.." Arnav said as they all looked at Mamiji.

Mami looked down in guilt, seeing what her actions actually lead son to, he was destroying his life slowly wasting his life.

"Bitwa I'm sorry.. I did not like Payal, I did not talk about prenup. I tried to accept her."

Mamiji's Pov...

Akash's phone kept ranging without stopping. Payal is calling.. Is she trying to fill his ears against his own mother?

“You can’t do this to me.. This is your child, please answer my calls! We will die without you..”

Mami gasped seeing the messages, how can her son do such a thing before marriage? Is she trying to trap her son using that child as a pawn?

“Have you ever love me? Were you pretending this whole time? What about our child?”

She is question her son's feelings?

“You should realise your standing. Do you think you’re suited to be my wife? Raizada’s bride? As a middle class you’re, you should be aware of your standing. That child.. Are you sure that child is mine? If it is, just abort it. It’s a mistake, I will give you a huge sum of money as a settlement. Forget me and never show up before me and my family, if you want to live!” Mami typed the message rashly.

Mami decided that this girl should be her son’s bride, or else she will separate her son from her. So she did this all but she didn't even thought of what kind of suffering her son would go through without Payal.

Mami looked down in shame, "I did wrong in name of my love for my son... I'm sorry. But seeing Payal in this state wasn't my wish.. "

"Maa.. Payal was an orphan without any emotional support in her life, she became emotionally dependent on me. She.. Loves me crazily..." Akash correct his mother.

"I didn't see that beta.. I'm sorry.. Sit on the alter. You and Payal should get marry today, now." Mami told him, Akash nodded and wedding proceed without any disturbance.

Arnav look at Khushi, remembering how he proposed to her that day and how she humiliated him in front of her friends. How he had an accident afterwards.

"Arnav ji.. I'm sorry.. I.." Khushi mumbled holding his hand.

He shrugged her hand of his, "I want to hear nothing. The thing you have came here for have been achieved. You have nothing longer need to pretend."

There is a lot she want to say, but she can't find her voice seeing his red eyes. Her tears fell down in guilt.

His love for her was true.. But what she did? She played with his heart.. From beginning till now she never listen his side of story, why should he listen to her now?

She should have taste of her own medicine.

To be continued...

Hi there, please hit vote and comment what you think of this chapte? Should Arnav forgive her so easily?  Let me know.. This story is ending soon, pls go support my new story 'YOU'RE MY WHOLE WORLD'. The response I'm getting low, so it might be my last story..See you in next update.

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