Episode 47: The Hardest Choice

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"I'm Sonic, the world's fastest hedgehog and a Class 1-A student at UA High School. Last time, Mirio helped me and Deku get an interview at his agency with the pro hero, Nighteye. He's got the power to look into the future and predict his opponent's next move. The guy was a bit uptight at first, but I'm sure he'll lighten up once I show him what I can do!"

A day goes by after Sonic and Deku's initial "interview" as the two of them arrive at Nighteye's office the next morning.

Nighteye: Good morning gentlemen, and welcome to your first day as official interns at my agency. For your first assignment, we'll be splitting into two patrol groups for our investigation.

Sonic: Investigation?

Bubble Girl: We've started hearing rumors of some underground criminal activity going on near this area.

Nighteye: The group we're keeping our eyes out for is a yakuza group called the Shie Hassaikai. We have intel that their leader, Overhaul has been making some unusual movements lately. We also suspect he's come in contact with the League of Villains.

Deku: The League again?

Sonic: Man, don't those chumps ever learn?

Nighteye: Despite this, however, we lack sufficient evidence to prove he's been doing anything villainous. That's where we come in.

Sonic: Right! So we can find him and kick his butt!

Nighteye: Before that, we need proof of his criminal activities, which is why we'll be patrolling this area. Once you've finished, you'll report back to me and we'll discuss our next steps from there. I want you two interns to go with Togata, while I accompany Bubble Girl. If you run into something you can't handle, call me or head back to my office. Is that understood?

Togata and Deku: Yessir!

Sonic nods as the three of them leave on their patrol around the city. As they're walking, a few civilians spot them and get excited at seeing Sonic.

Deku: Man, I'm kinda nervous just walking around in the open like this.

Sonic: Ugh. You're nervous and I'm bored.

Togata: C'mon, you guys must've at least gone on patrol during your internships, right?

Sonic thinks back to his internship, destroying Eggman's base and fighting the Egg Dragoon.

Sonic thinks back to his internship, destroying Eggman's base and fighting the Egg Dragoon

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Sonic: My internship was... special to say the least.

Togata: Don't worry it about. Just stick with me and I'll show you guys the ropes. Oh, now that I think of it, we haven't told each other our hero names huh?

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