Spark of interest

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I do not own RWBY or AdventureQuest Worlds.

In a warehouse somewhere lies stacks upon stacks of boxes and cargo containers of one of the most valuable materials in Remnant: Dust. It is a staple in Remnant, used in all fields, from power generation, to combat, transport, agriculture, and communications. He who wields the power of Dust would indeed change the fate of the many, forever. So it is that kingdoms have spilled so much bloodshed over Dust. So much savagery, just to hold oneself as more cultured than others. This is an age old story, one that the people of Remnant would see time and again.

For instance, Roman Torchwick's Dust robberies across Vale, and the millions of Lien's worth of Dust he is storing in the warehouse where the adventurer 'Johnny Lore' found himself in. Following Torchwick and his party back to this place, the two assassins he beat up, Mercury and Emerald found themselves silent. He watched at the shadows of the dimly lit place, observing the group.


Neo looked around. Seems the thing at the back of her head was just her overactive imagination. She shook her head as she leaned on the wall, watching the others settle down.

Not bearing the tense silence of the two normally bickering partners, Roman turned to them. "So! What mess have you two gotten into that had you calling for lil' ol' me?" He started, planting his cane to the floor. "Got mugged by a thug in a ski mask?" He taunted.

"It's...!" Emerald wanted to talk, but found herself unable to and turned away, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment over what happened to them.

"We got beat up. Does it matter why? Thanks for the solid, by the way." Mercury, still missing his legs, sat up on one of the tables.

Roman shook his head. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, children. Of course it matters.
Especially," He took out a piece of paper from behind him. "IF YOU'RE GOING TO BOTCH A JOB I WAS GOING TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He screamed at the two teens.

Emerald, realizing what the piece of paper was, gasped in surprise. "Surprised?" Roman mocked asked. "Pay attention, you might learn something. Like not leaving a loose end alive? And not going in all guns blazing to a mark you aren't even sure about? Clearly, the both of you lost control of the situation!"

Nearby, Neo laughed silently at the two. She found it funny that they just had to mess this one up. What made it even funnier is what's coming to them.

Mercury grit his teeth. He couldn't answer. He and Emerald had failed spectacularly. Now it would be particularly bad if...

Johnny frowned, hiding within the shadows of one of the containers. The air around them heated up spectacularly. It was like being inside the volcano in Fotia! Something's coming. He thought, narrowing his eyes as he spotted a black haired woman in a red dress walking on one of the platforms above. More like, someone. This is insane! Some kind of pyromancer?

"Lost control of what, exactly?"

The woman descended using a small lift on the platforms. Johnny had to raise an eyebrow on how incredibly pretentious one has to be to slow walk like that for a dramatic entrance. Or maybe they were just born with the natural talent to chew the scenery?

Doesn't matter. He thought. That gal is about to chew these people's freaking heads off!

Cinder indeed looked just about ready to explode. Her eyes are glowing ominously, and her hands ablaze. "Careful with that." Roman said coolly, even as he was sweating buckets. "We're sitting on metric tons of dust here." Neo pushed herself off the wall where she was watching, and fingered her parasol in preparation.

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