The life taken

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The fight had been going for a while, and before the reaction could kick in the force field was gone.

Me: Tanya I believe it is the good time to do something.

Tanya: Why are you agressing me? Bonnie is a witch too.

Me: Is Bonnie powerful?

Tanya: I don't know if I should be charmed by the compliments or kill you.

Me: I already have a lady that do both. Now work your brain.

Martin: Dear dear little dear. Are you panicking? There no such thing to be. Just call your sisters and let's keep going.

Tanya: You want me to call my sister huh?

Tanya whistled and the hellhound stand before her. Ready to attack at anytime. Tanya cross her arm with a smirk on.

Tanya: You wanted my sister here she is. You want my father too?

A giant hellhound growl besides her.

Me: What are you doing Tanya?

Martin: You are acting all smart right now Tanya. Why don't I pull you down you cloud?

He threw both Kaila and her dad to the wall. Cracking the wall of the house. Both lay there unconscious slowly taking there human appearance. I saw some pervert dude checking out the body of Kaila I quickly ran up and down to cover them with a blanket.

Tanya: Power had driven you mad and heartless old man.

Martin: Was I always compassionate? I mean I had given you blood and soul. You and your sister. And figured out that they weren't my children years later.

Tanya: You had given us nothing. You have been punishing us sometimes for little reasons.

Martin: Was sending you to prison world for nothing? Was it? Did you tell Bonnie?

Tanya heads went down and I knew where this was heading.

Me: Shut up old man!


Third person's p.o.v

Damon was sent flying and soon a knife pierced in his body. Damon took it out and before he could the knife was taken away from him, but he did recognize this knife. It was painful and he was bleeding... The knife had touch one of his liver and the poison and certain was dispersing.

Tanya: Damon!

Tanya was pulled to Martin hand and she was now being strangled by him.

Martin: Bonnie I will tell you the truth as you are such a sweetheart.

Tanya was debating to free herself from the old man. But the grip was tightening.

Martin: The cousins you love so much was the one behind the parents death.

Bonnie: No it was an accident. Right Tanya. You told me my parents died in an accident and you were the only one that survived.

Tanya didn't respond. The truth was out. The one that they were risking their life to keep.

Bonnie: ANSWER ME TANYA!!  Tell me he is lying.

Martin: Too much shame to answer her dear cousin. They killed your parents and disguised it as an accident. That's what really happened.

Tanya: Old man... Enough... Is... Enough

Martin: What are you going to do?

Tanya: spiritum antiquum ad vivum adduce.  E carcere erumpere illi.

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