Tanya's Prison

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I was there bleeding from the nose but all Bonnie could do was capture her breath. Thanks to Damon who saw me and gave me a piece of tissue paper. I nodded to him thanking him for his kindness and he replied with a smile. But damn shit. What shit I'm in.

Damon: What's going on? Breathe Bonnie and tell us.

She took a deep breath even if all I wanted her to take was a big punch in the nose. And she was able to speak.

Bonnie: Tanya is going to murder Kai.

Me: What a great service she does.

Bonnie: Yes and the return keys

Me: I like it here.

Bonnie: Lina ...

Me: So not at all. I won't help anyone.

Bonnie: But I didn't say anything.

Me: I know what you want. You have recovered your power you can stop her

Bonnie: But you have a lot more power than I do. And if she tries to kill you you won't even die.

Me: It hurts.

Bonnie: You are much more experienced.

Me: haha ​​what. You get along there.

Kai: HELP ME !!!

Me: It becomes serious. A packet of pork rinds.

Bonnie: To distract her good idea.

Me: No, that's for me.

We head for the room where all the noise came from. The living room was now a recycling center. Knives made the new decoration. The curtains were torn. Full paper on the ground. I laugh while eating my pork rinds. And for a moment Tanya was at an edge. Kai stopped and took a deep breath away from Tanya.

Kai: At the knife's edge.

Tanya smirk then put her hands behind her back.

Tanya: I'm never at a loss for anything.

She put her hands in front of her full of knives. She launches the first knife that heads towards me. By reflex I close my eyes so that the knife touches me. This is what I expected of course. But we always say at the moment that you expect less it is the moment that the person you expect less will save you. But it won't be Kai, my knight in shiny armor. The noise of the knife falling to the ground quickly brings me back to the real world. The arm that keeps helping me was in front of me. Shocked, I thank him silently by telepathy.

Me: Tanya, I don't look like a target.

I walk in the middle of their little war and take a chair. I put all my concentration in a silent world. I took a big one sigh and started the spell.

(I'm not sure what I'm going to write -A / N)

Me: Sit ut esurientem tumultu turbaret meliori tigris predam eripere. Ne silentio clausa est hic sonitus facti in arca. Ne fiat haec fessis ac tigris fugit. Obsecro redire in mundum. Mundus enim: Placabo illum furorem suum. Fiat ei Tanya mittere in mundum, and cruciatu eius orbis terrarum rhoncus. Audit ergo deam super id quod dico. Sic fiat semper.

I open my eyes and walk towards Damon. I try my best to seem strong because this little spell that I recite can deprive you of your energy just for the person to come out of their world. I quickly went to the kitchen and then took the first chair I touched. I find a saucepan on the tables so the good idea to remove my power comes. Just by a Boo bi di bo bi di Boo all my energy disappears. The scent of soup spreads throughout the kitchen and since I hadn't closed the door, two little pigs appeared, Damon and Bonnie. Kai was where I don't know. But I'm not going to want to find him

Bonnie: Lina, are you okay?

I took the strength to nod but the head doesn't even rise.

Bonnie: Are you sure?

I raise a shoot which falls heavily. Bonnie made her way to the soup and grabbed a bowl. But you can never eat in peace. Damon leans on the table where my head was. Bother me in my moment of weakness but I learned something since I was there. He doesn't care about anything and worries about little.

Damon: We can't trust this guy.

Bonnie: He's our way out.

Damon: He's a charlatan. He wants to do everything to get out of here.

Bonnie: I trust him.

Damon: That you can be naive, my poor. This Kai leads you to the tips of your fingers.

Kai: I heard my name.

Damon: Besides being stupid, you are deaf.

Kai: Very good one Damon. But what happens to your little one, Damon.

He approaches me wanting to tickle my underside my neck. But Tanya has just returned from her world. Who says return says energy, who says energy says force, who says force says fists, who says fist says in the jaw. You guess the result he falls, shock he gets up he goes to the soup and Tanya enters. But she doesn't seem so zen as usual.


Kai: It can be done that.

Keylina: I would close it if I was you.

Kai: No, not this time.

He took Bonnie's hand and squeezed it tight. How do I know? If you see Bonnie's face that will answer the question. You know vampires have a little conflict with a sound. For vampires it breaks your ears and weakens you. It'll keep you from the quest that a vampire does. Wizards are pretty strong on that. But I am completely weakened by this sound. To the point of passing out. Mister had the idea of ​​fire and sound. And the only thing I remember afterwards was black.


Wassup My lil devils

I have updated a new episode. You know I'm very busy even during the lockdown. But you don't have to worry, I'm looking for inspiration. I know I changed the story completely. But I do a new generation TVD. I put original TVD stuff and stuff that I imagine it's complicated but I like that.

So a vote for the new generation, a comment for fun, and follow to help me. Alright, love the story.


XOXO, Full of kisses😘😘

See you My lil devils,


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