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They say love occurs in the most mysterious ways. We meet people we never thought we would meet and you start feeling some type of connection with them.
They reveal this sweet side of you that you did not know existed. They make your days better when you are with them and you never want that feeling to end but sometimes only fate can tell if they were meant to stay for a lifetime period or just a short while.

Ammi's pov:

The door bell rings and I go open the door and it's my best friend Roy at the door. He comes in as am having some coffee.
" hey there big guy"
" hi Ammi, how's your morning so far"
" well my friend it's good so far and l just love the weather today so is awesome too so l have nothing to complain about."
" Did you do what l told you to do?"
" What did you tell me to do l don't remember"
" Come on girl stop pretending like you don't know what I'm saying"
" Well it's just that l can't find the courage to ask him out let alone talk to him he basically doesn't even know that l exist so l am kind of giving up"
" Ammi you have a nice personality and you're pretty am very sure Nick will like you"
So Nick was this guy l have been having a huge crush for sometime and l want to ask him out but something crazy is he doesn't even know me in the slightest and all l got about him is his social media handles that Roy searched for.
Every day l picture how life could be if l was with him and that just makes me want him more. He is so handsome and tall like about 5 foot 10 inches and his hazel colored lazy eyes and the lips ;so soft, so pink.
Ohh heavens this alone gave me heartgasms and all l wanted was him for myself but first l needed to find a way to talk to him.

" hey Roy can l have Nick's Instagram handle please?"
"yeah sure here it is"
"ok thanks"
" shall we head to work now"
" yeah sure let's go"
Oh l forgot to mention that we work at a fashion house called Revamp collections. Roy and l are both partners of the company and l must say work is going pretty well.

I grabbed my bag, and we were out. Our workplace was not far from the house so we decided to take a walk or should l say we always take a walk to work every day.
Now that l have his handle l just hope that when l slide into his dm, he will gladly answer me. When we got to work l decided to give it a shot. I slide into his dm with a " have a nice day friend" type of message.
Luckily after a few hours l got a response from him. I don't know why l was smiling so much yet it was just a normal reply maybe l was happy that he did not ignore me. So l decided to continue with the conversation.
"have a nice day friend."
" you too new friend."
" is the day going great like how it's supposed to be?"
" well l would say yes. You talk as if you know me personally"
" well l wouldn't say personally but l do know you quite a bit"
"I am trying to look at your page but l don't think l have seen you anywhere"
" you will see me soon for sure"
"why not today then"
"no today will not work for me"
"and may l know why"
"because l was not prepared to see you plus l have work to do."
"well that makes sense, l will talk to you later then l am also busy right now"
I did not realize l was smiling so hard while talking to Nick. I was not quite sure if the last message was because of my response that l will not see him or it was just because he was busy at the moment but anyway l did not want to think much.
I cannot believe l just spoke to my crush so confidently like that. I mean l get it, it's over the phone but still this was a great baby step l must say.
Roy was staring at me waiting for me to say something.
"what now you knuckle head"
" just realized how you're so happy what's up"
"well l just had a convo with Nick but let us forget about that for now is there any important work we need to do today"
"well yes. We have some dresses to deliver at a certain company for their party tonight so we better get busy."
"any details given on what of dresses they want"
" yes they're right here. So you are not going to tell me what you and Nicky talked about"
" come on, well we spoke basically nothing important. If it was something catchy l would have definitely told you about it. Let's get to work we don't want to disappoint this huge company."
Well, Roy got to do the work l had to also check an engagement dress that a lady had ordered and confirm that everything was okay with. Luckily this lady came after an hour and loved the dress. Mostly what impressed her the most was the silver details used on the dress.
More and more customers kept coming in and work became a lot as always. Although one order is the one that got me busy because it was needed before the end of the day.
An averagely old man came with the request saying his boss wanted a 3-piece black tuxedo suit and he just left the store, leaving behind the address with where l would deliver the suit.
Luckily we had it in our store so all had to do was pack it then deliver it to the address l was given. I felt that the person wearing it would look even better with a bow-tie so l packed that as well.
" hey Roy can you deliver this suit while l finish the rest of the work?"
"No Ammi just do that on your own because the sun is too hot besides it's not far from here"
"ugh fine let me do it. I'll be right back."

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