Meeting him.

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I  took the suit and put it in my minivan that l usually leave at my work place and drove off. I got to where the address stated and l must say this house was beautiful and huge too anyway, l got to stop drooling over such a house, all l had to do was deliver this suit to the owner and get out of here. I knock on the gate and a certain man comes and tells me to follow him so l do that.
The décor of this house was just magnificent from the art decoration, to the Hollywood glam type of theme and the colors were so cool. I am then led to a certain room  that looks kind of an office and there’s a guy standing there with a painting respirator on his face.
“hello sir, here is the suit you ordered.”
“ thank you so much you can have a seat.”
“ erm no thanks l have to get going.”
“ but you have to see if the suit you’ve brought fits me or not.”
Well he was right so l sat down as he went to another room to change into the suit. I must say l was feeling awkward while seated in this room and sort of uneasy so l started looking around.
On his desk l saw a photo of a handsome guy so l picked it up to study it closely and to my surprise the guy in this picture looked exactly like Nick. Oh my God l started tensing and feeling nervous. So you want to tell me that l just delivered a suit to my biggest crush!! Oh damn l had to call Roy.
“hello Roy something serious just happened.”
“ what is it Ammi are you okay”
“ yes l am fine l mean no, turns out the guy that l was going to deliver the suit to was Nick. I just saw his picture on his office desk and it is really him. I did not realize it when he was talking to me because he had a painting respirator on.
I am so nervous right now l don’t know how to react when he comes back.”
“okay first of all just relax you got this and second of all this is awesome and it’s a sign of good luck. Just introduce yourself to him and start talking.”
“ yeah first of all l don’t believe in the sign stuff and second of all l can’t do that. Bye l have to go.”
I heard footsteps approaching the room so l put the picture down and quickly went back to my seat. Nick was back and holy sweet mother of Jesus, he looked so good.
He had no mask on this time so l got to study his face well. I cannot believe l was in the same room with this guy. I did not know what to do next. Should l lead him on like how l see in movies and come out of here a great woman for jeeting my big time crush or should just stand up and leave. I was in deep thoughts when l heard someone snapping their fingers.
“Hey miss you seem to be in deep thought about something, you didn’t even listen to me when l was speaking and you were staring too much is the suit not good?”
“ Ooh errm sorry for that l was thinking about double cheeseburgers.”

Nick’s pov:

This lady was absolutely weird. I come back dressed in the suit she delivered and  she stares at me without saying anything. I even try talking but she is not responding to anything so l decide to snap her out of her thoughts.
“ Hey miss you seem to be in deep thought about something, you didn’t even listen to me when l was speaking and you were staring too much is the suit not good?”
“ Ooh errm sorry for that l was thinking about double cheeseburgers.”
Wait she was thinking about what now! Who gets lost in thought because of a burger.
“ You were thinking about a burger.”
“ Yes sir l was thinking about a burger any problem with that?”
The audacity in her speech. Damn!
“Just tell me whether the suit is good or not.”
“ Well it is upto to you to decide whether you like the suit or not sir but according to me you look really good.”
Yeah well why did l even need her comment it was me to decide and yes l can say l love this suit. This weird lady has done an excellent job.
“ Well it is a good executive suit so I’ll take it. I am sure you’d make a bin bag look couture if this is your work.”
Well atleast she was smiling after l said that compliment.
“Payment is done via credit card sir.”
“ Okay let me pay for it.”
I then paid her for the suit and she was ready to leave. Was she perhaps hungry that’s why she was thinking about a double cheeseburger.
“ Okay sir thank you, l now have to take my leave.”
“Wait do you want to have lunch so that you can have your burger.”
She started laughing and blatantly declined my offer. Well anyway l got nothing to lose so jokes on her.
“No thanks sir am fine l don’t need a double cheeseburger from you. I have to get going. Bye and thanks once again.”
And she left. Well l must say she was a pretty lady especially her ripe sweet looking lips and her smile plus her eyes but who cares anyways l was done with ladies a long time ago.

Ammi’s pov:

My God this guy was looking so lovely in that suit. I did not even realize that l was staring at him that much and and out of all the excuses there is in this world, my brain just thought of a double cheese burger wow! Just wow! Anyway, l was finally out of there. I felt relieved at some point but again l didn’t want to leave although l had to.
Now that l have his house this is a nice step for sure. I guess he wasn’t able to recognize me because he doesn’t stalk me the way l do him and l only have to pictures on my page unlike him who has over fifty.
I got into my van and drove back to the fashion house. I found Roy waiting for me to give him info of what happened.
“What Roy, look l literally embarrassed myself in front of him .”
“How did you do that”
“Well he went to put on the suit that l had taken to him and when he came back, l couldn’t help but stare at him and when he snapped me back to my senses l told him that l was thinking of a double cheese burger.”
“Out of all things Ammi, that’s what came into your mind damn that's embarrassing.”
“To add on top of that, before l left he asked if l wanted the burger and my big mouth blatantly said no. Now l feel so stupid maybe we could have even gone on a lunch date.”
“Yeah you messed up but come on why didn’t you introduce yourself and tell him that you’re the one he spoke to on Instagram”
“No l just couldn’t do that besides it would be awkward and the way he is that rich l doubt if it could any difference. Anyway let us forget about that. Any progress since l left?”
“Yeah l was able to deliver the dresses to that company that have their party and as always they liked the dresses.”
“Wow that’s awesome am proud of you.”
I had to hug him for this. This guy works really hard and so well. I would say l am lucky to have a business partner like him.
“Plus they invited me to go to the party and told me to bring a plus one so you are coming with me to the party.”
“Wow that’s awesome. Thanks for carrying me along.”
“Yeah who would l have gone with anyways l got you and Kate although she is not here at the moment.”
Ohh Kate was also a friend of ours but at the moment she was out of town to go visit her parents.
“When does the party start.”
“At 8pm so we better start winding up our work for today because it is already 5 so that we can get enough time to prepare.”
“Yeah sure, let's close up. Wait what are you planning to wear or did the lady who invited you tell any specific color”
“No she did not specify but we all know black, grey and white never disappoint in any occasion but it looked like a classy party so we have to dress elegantly.”
“Ok sure l get it. You are free to go let me keep things in order then close the shop and when you are ready to leave for the party, please come and pick me up.”
“ I cannot forget to pick you up anyway see you later.”
And he left.
I started putting things back in order and was done after some minutes. I was thinking of what to wear to this event and l settled for long  black tulle dress that had a plunge neckline and open back with yeezy transparent heels. Hadn’t been to somewhere formal or dressed up in a long time and l didn’t want to waste this chance. So closed the shop and went back to my house.
I couldn’t get Nick out of my head. He was all l was thinking about. Having had a close glance at him today made me see that he was even more handsome or maybe l was just seeing that because l was so much into the guy. 
Now how will l get to make this guy love me, l was so confused but l really wanted a life with him even though we don’t end up old together but at least l should have had a story with him. What l am thinking of is so weird.
I pulled out my phone to see if he was online on Instagram but he wasn’t though l just decided to text.
“Hope your day was good I’d love hear all about it.”
I got to my house, took a shower had some food to eat just in case l got hungry at the party and there would be no real food to eat, decided to watch a short movie while still in my bath robe.
Let’s just say l had decided to dress up when it would thirty minutes before Roy would get here. I know some might wonder goddamn only thirty minutes, but the truth is l don’t like applying make up.
I find it to be too much work so l only use lip gloss and that doesn’t require a lot of minutes.
Seven thirty came along and l went to dress up. Tied my hair into a cute bun, wore my shoes and applied my lip gloss and damn l must say l was looking like a snack. Roy called me to inform me that he was waiting for me outside so l took my purse, locked the house, got in his car and left for the party.

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