party shock.

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We got to the party and l must say, this was a high class party. The people here had dressed in some expensive outfits, the décor was also really beautiful.
A certain lady who’d worn a thigh high white dress with raindrop like details came to where Roy and l were seated.
She was and very pretty, had a model-like physique. Turns out, she was the one who invited Roy to this party.
“Good evening sir, it’s nice that you accepted our invitation and l am assuming this is your plus one guest.”
She said that while shaking my hand to greet me after she did with Roy.
“Thanks for the invite miss. The party is legit.”
I had to say that come on.
“Thank you and don’t call me miss, call me Serah. Now our boss would like to see you two in the vip section. He wants to say thank you for designing beautiful outfits to some of our guests tonight.”
"Wow this is such an honor". Roy turned to her to speak.
“Okay thank you now shall we go meet with him?” l said.
“Yeah sure follow me.”

The vip section was pretty, sort of classy and kinda quiet. She lead the way and stood in front of a certain door.
“This is the room where he’s at, just get in and he's waiting for you guys.”  And she left.
It felt kind of awkward. I turned to Roy and he was also staring back.
“ Hey dude are you sure this is safe, why did she leave?”
“I don’t know but let us just go in and get this over with. I want to and have fun and at least hookup with someone.
I’ve had a long day l just need to relax and have some fun.”
“Women will kill you one day. You are so obsessed with them and you only do hook ups. You need to pick one lady and be all crazy with her. Fine let’s go in.”
So we get in and l was almost not moving anymore. My heartbeats started racing.
The guy in front of us was Nick. Wow was he the boss? That’s hella crazy. He looked so handsome in that suit and his haircut was just wow.
I had to behave myself and be professional. He was with a man and a woman. He stood up to greet us. He first shook Roy’s hand and started talking.
“Welcome to our vip section. I wanted to give a special thanks to you for the work you did. The designs are really good.
Will be looking forward to working with you in the future.”
“Thank you sir but l made the designs with my friend and partner here. She’s the brain behind the designing and l just stitch them up and make sure they come out the way we wanted.”
He turned to look at me and l just looked at his hazel lazy eyes. Damn l got to focus here.
“Oh were you the lady l met with earlier at my house. What did you say your name was again?”
“My name is Ammi.”
His hands were soft that was just awesome. I started imagining crazy things in my head. Thank God he let go.
“Want to stay with us for a drink or two?”
Roy and l looked at each other and looked at Nick again. Roy decided to answer that because he definitely knew my response.
“No thank you. We would like to go and socialize with tons of people. Maybe next time.”
“Okay fine. See you two later.”
And we left the room.
“Roy why did you do that? It would be fun if l would’ve spent some time with him.”
“Come on l also want to have fun besides if you didn’t notice, the lady who was in there was really staring at you when Nick held your hand for a long time after saying you were in his house.”
“Oh l didn’t see that, you don’t think they might be dating or something”
“I doubt it because word goes round the streets that Nick has been single for a very long time. He is termed as the most eligible bachelor in this town.”
“Any way let us go and have fun.”
We got back to where majority of the people were and decided to go sit in a certain corner. I saw Nick’s reply and decided to text him back.
“My day was awesome. I’m at a party right now.”
“Nice suit you have on tonight. You look splendid.”
I saw the word typing. I don’t know why that word would get me excited when talking to him.
“How did you know that l have worn a suit. Are you around here?”
“You might say that.”
“I am trying to see your profile but your picture is not clear so l don’t know if we have ever met in person.”
“Yes we have met in person.”
“Okay l am curious to know who this is. Meet me at the balcony of the 5th floor.
I want to know if you really are at this party or you are just a stalker who is playing mind games with me. I am giving you five minutes.”
Wow! Okay. I left Roy and carried my purse and phone with me. Got into the lift and got to the 5th floor. I got out of the lift and started walking towards the balcony when l spotted it and just bumped into Nick.
“What are you doing here designer?”
Wow this was awkward oh gosh.
“ I am heading to the balcony to meet you there.”
I saw him getting kinda shocked.
“To see me… Wait are you the person l told to meet me at the balcony in five minutes?”
“Yes so let us go to the balcony then.”
“Why would you act like a ghost on my insta”
“A ghost!’
“Yes, you only have one picture on your profile and you have covered your face so l couldn’t see who you are.”
We sat on the seats that were on the hallway.
“I just didn’t want you to know me this early so l thought l could pull the ghost thing for a while.”
“You are a weird person miss Ammi.”
“Just call me Ammi.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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