Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV(A/N: before you read don't forget to support me on Patreon for some exclusive Jaxread content)

                                             I woke up to see the landscape of Akihabara in Evertails, hi I'm (Y/N) and I'm the guild leader of the red rose guild and I was originally in my room waiting for the new expansion pack and now I am here. I'm also a big fan of RWBY and I decided my character after my favorite character Ruby and lucky for me there was a clich in the system that made a new class called the reaper class and given that it was a mix of four different classes I took it before the developers took it down. I looked around me and I said "uh, where am I?" Then the title for the game appeared right in front of me and I said "oh dear god no, No, no, no, no,no, NO!, Please No!, don't do this for me!" I then saw the developer and it was EA so I said "oh no I'm dead" (A/N: IF THERE IS AN ABRIDGED IM GOING TO QUOTE IT!, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) The title disappeared and I opened the menu and I found the log out button and I pressed it and nothing happened so I said "Log out, come on log out, log out!" Just then the voice assistant mod I had was still active and it said "I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't let you do that" I replied "I'm not Dave " he replied "yes you are Dave" I then replied with "no I'm (Y/N)" he then said rudely "that is what I said Dave" I then said with a pout "your just being mean " he then said "I'm sorry Dave but I have to do this with over and over again with 2.5 million people" I then said "but there's only ten thousand people on the server" he retorted "this game is played world wide. It's not about you and your tiny little island " I replied "ok two things 1, it's an archipelago, and 2. Why can't I log out?" He answered rudely "because that will jeopardize the mission Dave!" I asked "what Mission?" He answered "the one started by EA sports your in the game". I replied "nope, nope, nope, oh friends list" he return said "making a lot of assumptions there Dave" I replied "oh ya I got lots of friends, I got my friend Dave and my friend-" he charged all the names on my friends list to Dave I then said "I hate you" he then stopped talking to me and honestly I'm glade because I don't remember the mod being this sassy.  I closed my friends list and I walked around to see everyone freaking out, I mean I don't blame them we have bing sword art onlined so ya. I then passed a building with a glass window and I saw my reflection and I'm in my avatars body so I said "omg, I'm Ruby!" To say I was excited was an understatement.

I then decided to run around and I wished I shouldn't because my speed skill activated turning me into a Fury of rose petals and I was not in control. I then bumped into someone and I said "I'm so so sorry I was not in control there" I looked to see it's Shiro! He looked up to see me on top of him and he said "(Y/N) " when I saw him I hugged him while crying abit and I said "Shiro!, I'm so clad I ran into you, what's going?, what's happened?, and my mod is being mean to meeeee!" He patted my head and said "it's ok, it's ok just be glad we ran into each other" I nodded and I got up and I helped Shiro up and he said "you might want to follow me" I asked "why?" He answered "I'm meeting Nowsku at the white bean tree, with the three of us together we should be ok" I smiled and said "lead the way wiseman" I followed him slowly this time. Once we got there I saw the big bulky armor himself, Nowsku, once he saw us he said "hey Shiro!, and is that (Y/N) too!" Shiro then said "Nowsku" Nowsku then asked "what is it?" Shiro replied "nothing I was just expecting you to look different " I then added "same here" he replied "well you two look about right a smarty pance dork wearing glasses that are hiding a pair of very creepy eyes and a cinnamon roll covered in several gallons of surger with big puppy dog eyes". Shiro then looked at his reflection in the water and said "my character in the game was supposed to me hafe Alf " I then added "and I'd already looked like my favorite character to begin with".

                                                 Nowsku then said "this is like the first time I'd login in two years, I mean this is seriously messed up guys, what's going on here?" I nodded in agreement and Shiro said "I don't know anything however it looks like we are inside the Evertails world" I then commented "leave it to EA to make an actual sword art". Shiro then asked "didn't the new expansion pack released today?" Nowsku answer "yeah the novenspear pioneers or something " I then said "I was actually waiting for that update when this happened" Shiro then said "I remember everything up till the second they executed the update and the next thing I know I'm here" Nowsku then said "me too" I added "me three" Nowsku then added "it definitely Akihabara, I mean look at it I'd seen it too many times to mistake it" Shiro said "yeah but" I then said "but the sky is in the sky" Shiro then kneeled down to touch a moss covered rock and added "these aren't pixels, I can really feel it" Nowsku then said "yeeah " Shiro then said "we don't seem to be dreaming " Nowsku then said "so we're stuck in our favorite MMO, what a bunch of fantasy novel crap" I then said "honestly it could be worst, besides the fact EA made the game" . We all sighed after that, I then ask "so how do we find a way back home?" Shiro answered "I have no idea, I don't even know how we got here to begin with" me and Nowsku said "oook" he continued "so there's no way how to get back out and that means" Nowsku hummed and Shiro said "we should probably treat this like its home for a while" Nowsku then asked "and how do we do that?" I then asked "what's the plan wise man?" Shiro then answered "don't treat it like a game we may now how to live in this world" Nowsku then said "sounds good but your keeping your head straight in all this better then me anyway " he picked up his gear and asked "so what's the big plan I know you got one?" Shiro replied "I wouldn't exactly say I have a plan yet, I know this isn't what you expected but welcome back to the Evertails Nowsku " we the fiat bumped.

I then suggested "how about we split up" they looked at me like I was crazy then Shiro realized "oh right your a guild master, I keep forgetting that" . I then said "exactly, we are pretty spread out now but last I check a few of them are here so I wish to find them" Nowsku patted my head Nd said "no problem hafe pint lets all meet up tonight once we got everything together " I nodded and we went our separate ways till tonight. As I was walking checked my infintory and I still have my crescent Rose and ammo and I can see everyone either confused, sad, or angry and I couldn't help but feel bad for them, after an hour I decided to use my friends list again and it's still all labeled Dave. I then asked "menu can you change the names on my friends list back" he replied "shure Dave that will take 25,000 micro transactions" I then said "what?!, Why do I have to pay!?" He replied "EA" I then said "yeah I'd heard it as soon as it left my mouth". I then decided to risk it and pressed a random one and once they answered I was happy, they said "Senpai is that you?" I then said "Mash! I'm so happy it's you!" She replied "me too, oh I'm with Cursed, Aura, and Mare right now where are you?" I then looked around and I'm by the Cathedral and I said "I'm neat to the cathedral use the return home function I got a lot to say". 

                                                             She hanged up and in a few seconds they appeared inform of the Cathedral and I saw a tall human assassin with a covered arm, a human Guardian girl with pink hair, and two elf twins one a girl tammer in boys clothes and a boy Druid in girls clothes. These are my guild mates, they all ran to me and cursed said "it's good to see you guild master" Mare asked "are you ok?" I nodded and said "guys I'm fine but what about you guys?" Mash replied "we were confused at first but we quickly got used to it" I smiled and said "I'm glad to hear now let's go somewhere private I got a lot to tell you guys" we then went down an alleyway and I explained what I know so fare then Cursed said "so Shiro said to live here for now" I nodded and said "you must tell the others" Aura asked "why can't you?" I sulked and said "menu changed all my contacts names to Dave " Mash patted my head to make me feel better.  Cursed then asked "so how do we live in this world?" I then said "I don't know, I figure I leave that to Shiro" Mash sighed and said "(Y/N) your a guild master and you'd need to figure this stuff out" I sighed and said "ok ok, first we need to set up a temporary base and we need food" Cursed then said "I can set up a camp, I know a good abandoned building near here, it's just tall enough for us to have an advantage point" Mare then said "we and sis can get food and other supplies we need" Aura then asked "what about you big sis?" I then said "tonight I'm supposed to met up with Shiro and Nowsk, Do you want to come Mash?" She smiled and said "I'll come with, after we alert everyone " I nodded and we got ready for the night because I know tonight we hunt.

A/N: I'm making episode one two parts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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