The Condition of Heart Clan

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Within Pres Valley, there exist four clans that possess characteristics unique to each respective clan. These clans have lived in mild tension since the establishment of such in the valley. The clans are...

Shrub Clan, northwest in the valley. The warriors here are known for their stealthy and efficient hunting methods which produce bountiful nourishment for the clan. Shrub Clan is the largest clan in the valley, constantly growing at all times of the year.

Owl's Feathers Clan, northeast in the valley. This clan's warriors display elaborate knowledge of medicinal and spiritual values. Its warriors are the most peaceful and connected in the valley, though the clan's strength is minimal.

Doe Clan, southeast in the valley. In the old days, this clan heavily prioritized their measures of hunting, particularly by fishing, but in today's Doe Clan, the cats prioritize being as excellent as possible in all things pertaining to the clan's survival. The cats there can hunt, fish, and watch over each other, but they lack strength in a certain subject.

Lastly, Heart Clan, southwest in Pres Valley. The warriors in this clan prioritize their resonance within each other to push the clan forward with strength. It's in the warriors' collective vigor that they are able to fight away any threats that come their way.

At least... that's how Heart Clan used to be.

In the last few moons, Heart Clan's fighting spirit has been snuffed out with the introduction of "owo cats" into the clan, cats with different qualities than regular cats, such as how their fur repels water like it's been waxed, how their pupils are much larger, how they lay eggs instead of giving birth unlike most other mammals, how their ears are much more susceptible to unique noises and effects, and how the shape of their skulls disable them from pronouncing certain letters.

The rising population of these strange owo cats within Heart Clan has been rumored to be linked to the clan's shrinking number of regular cats. Recurring dog attacks have been the cause of the dwindling regular warriors, while the owo cats have remained untouched. The past few leader's deaths have allowed the clan's current leader, Daggy Star, an owo cat to come into power, where he has maintained this position for a couple moons.

In the coming winter, there are only four regular cats remaining within the owo-dominated Heart Clan.

Paw is an orange and beige tom cat, one of the last remaining regular warriors in Heart Clan. He has a strong body in battle, but in an attack, his blue eyes glint with fear rather than fortitude. Seconds after Paw was born along with four other kits, a ravenous gang of dogs charged into the medicine den and tore his mother to shreds, along with three of his littermates.

When the owo cats found Paw and one of his brothers had survived under the cover of his mother's leaf bed, they thought it would be funny to torture Paw with his name, Paw Kit. Paw's brother, on the other hand, received a much more appropriate name: Sunset Kit, because of his beautiful, bright orange and yellow pelt.

When Paw became Paw Paw as an apprentice, he was ridiculed by his entire clan. No one would take Paw seriously with his name, particularly regarding how Paw would learn to hunt for the clan. He was passed around from owo warrior to owo warrior like an unwanted foster kid, each cat only "training him" for laughs while he was pushed into trees and thrown into the mud. No one had actually taught Paw to hunt, though all the owo cats criticized him as stupid for this. Meanwhile, Sunset received mentorship from the kindest living regular warrior in the clan, Bird Song, a regular cat with beautiful white and lilac fur.

Sunset grew into a hearty and compassionate warrior, with the strong name Sunset Strike.

As for Paw Paw...

"What name shall we bestow to our bewoved wittle Paw Paw?" Daggy Star snickered, lying on the large rock.

"Paw Paw? You mean da special cat who can't hunt?"


"Paw Paw... more like... stupiiiid!!" One of the elder owo cats sneered, sticking her tongue out.

And that was how he got his name. Paw Stupid, the laughingstock of Heart Clan. He had thought the ridicule he received for being named Paw Paw was bad, but Paw Stupid was so much worse. There was not a day Paw held his head high in the clan. He asked the other warriors to just refer to him as Paw, to which most of them refused, besides his brother, and another she-cat...

Little did Paw or anyone know what was happening beneath the seams.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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