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Our home is wonderful; from it's rolling ocean-like hills to its actual oceans that sparkle in vivid emerald and sapphire tones. Though my favourite parts are the fluffy cotton candy clouds, that might just be because they're the farthest physical places from people on the planet, other than of course the Mariana's Trench, but with much more appeal I think.

What's wrong with people? Well to that I answer, it's probably not all people, just most of the ones I have the pleasure of going to school with. I mean if I had been born as an aviator and they were still problematic, I could have at least stayed in the sky. But at the same time, I like my hair not needing to be shaved off, and it's not like any of the aviators can actually fly that high up, only 3 km at most until they pass out from lack of oxygen, or freeze.

You see while a world full of people with generic superpowers may seem like a good idea, it isn't if those powers affect you, and you have to keep using them, or risk losing them.

The thing is you're an outcast if you don't fit in to the predefined boxes on the list; having powers that are too strange, more than one power, or being born without them will get you targeted.

This brings us back to me, I happen to fit in to the last category, I really hate my genetics sometimes. Though my parents have perfect powers, so I suppose that's not a good thing to blame either. I would try to describe what it's like to see constantly in X-ray vision for my dad, but he does so himself often enough for a direct quote. So here, "It's like living in a machine, you can see everything's inner workings."

Despite how happy he seems about it, he's never once properly seen my face; he doesn't seem to care too much, his job -he's a surgeon, if you hadn't figured it out- is the most important thing; sometimes I'm grateful he can't see anything properly.

Then there's mom, she's a lifeguard, and a raisin. I mean not literally, it's one of the side affects of being a water elemental. Sure my parents being too busy with their jobs to spend time with me might not be the worst problem in the universe, but coupled with the facts I've never even met the only person in my family who might love me properly; that I have yet to gain powers despite the fact it's been 5 years since most people my age did at 12, and get bullied for it constantly doesn't add to the joy.

In fact, there's only one person who doesn't call me idiotic things like freak, or useless, or zot; (even if that's what I am) who doesn't harass me at all, Dan. Maybe he's my only friend because we're both rejects, but I'd like to think I'd want to be friends with him even if we were normal. It's not that he doesn't have a power that gets him in trouble though, it's that he has too many, and they're stereotypically feminine.

Although our school officially got rid of most types of gender, and race based discrimination a little while ago, there are still too many idiots around, unfortunately, to say controlling growth, and communicating with animals are girly powers. I think they just wanted the appeal of saying they have a safe space for all students, but they'd need to actually get the troublesome students to agree for that to work.

Well they decided to make sure he was a guy last year anyways. I shudder thinking about what they did, but I'm sure Dan wouldn't appreciate me thinking about it; you never know when the mind readers are around, using their mind reading powers, even if they tend to stay as far away from other living beings as possible. I can't say I blame them, but I'd rather not have them constantly finishing my sentences, and pretending they're above the rest of us. The only thing they love more than making others look bad is gossip.

I may seem to strongly dislike them, but I have to admit they aren't the worst. If they were bees, the SOs (Strong Ones, or Muscle Heads as I called them) were wasps. Less productive, but stung repeatedly for no good reason.

Although the mind readers were the ones to light the matches, the SOs were the wind that spread it throughout the forest. Actually no, wait, they were more like flamethrowers.

Their specialty's side effects, aside looking like overgrown gorillas on steroids; with metaphorical bananas for brains, they're still the most praised of all of us.

I might understand if they were at least nice, but most of them had decided preying on the weak and innocent was their ticket to glory, and somehow that was actually working. I mean how were we supposed to fight against that much muscle? And with everyone else on their side, we didn't stand a chance.

Thinking to myself like this has become a regular occurrence because of the stress, I'm not entirely sure if it's helping, or I'm already too insane to help.

The latter is most likely, but at least I can still try to find some solace in my music.

Other than the fact it's one of the only things keeping me alive, its what lead me to the other thing, Dan. The whole reason we met at all(though we probably would have eventually considering most people disliked us) was I got kicked out of class for listening to Vampire Money... and forgetting to plug in the ear buds.

I know, I know, it's my fault but it's pretty odd that My Chemical Romance isn't so well known here and people would rather listen to their grandparents' favourite records. Who even owns records?! Well I guess their grandparents must if I'm making this analogy at all.

Anyways, maybe it's because there aren't so many people that are in love with them in out area that we like them more(that sounded hipster); I'm not entirely sure, but I mean I don't really listen to pop music; mostly bands like that which coincidentally Dan also told me he liked when he got kicked out for trying to save the frogs that were supposed to be getting dissected.

We were stuck in detention with the muscle heads, and it was a lot easier to ignore them with someone to distract you; we were inseparable after that epiphany.

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