Chapter 2

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We ended up sprinting (while still giggling) to the science lab down the hall, where some people were already gathered.

"What's going on here?" I asked,"It's usually a ghost town, especially in the morning."

"Well I need something hard to smash for my demo; I'd use Greg's masculinity, but it's too fragile."

"I mean wow, but that still doesn't explain what's happening."

I like him, but he can be pretty confusing.

"Why're you asking me? I'm just here for PJ...oh wait, shit I almost forgot he has a thing he's doing here."

"What thing? Who's PJ? Why do we need him?"

"Easy there; you'll see the thing, it'll be cool, don't worry; PJ is my bestest fwend, and we need him because he can get us into the science lab."

I give up; it'd seem annoying of me to ask more questions; I'll just have to wait to get some straight answers. Well at least I've found one advantage to being such a tall human, I don't have to move to see the table though there seems to be nothing on it save a luxurious looking navy blue sheet.

"Ladies and geraniums, may I present to you the most spectacular light show you will ever have the pleasure of witnessing." There didn't seem to be a source from which the voice was emanating, but only a few people seemed to be looking around; most were fixated on a point directly above the table.

After a pause of around a minute, and waiting for the crowd's quiet chittering to subside, the voice continued,"And now for the moment you've all been waiting for, the story begins."

As soon as he finished speaking a cloud of bright blue smoke erupted from the centre and spilled over through the audience, brushing us all lightly and leaving a thin coat of cold, sweet-smelling, blue glitter everywhere.

Looking back at the stage, there was what appeared to be a small white octopus, in a bow tie, made of light. It started swimming upwards, stopping at the eye level of the front row of the audience.

From both sides of the octopus radiated one ribbon of light on each a word, Oscar's and Hotel.

I hadn't understood the new trend people were following, going to see holo shows put on by the new kids on the block, the illusionists, when they could just watch programs for so much cheaper on their own televisions; they wouldn't even have to go outside, until I saw what PJ could do.

It was entertaining as well as visually stunning, a theatrical masterpiece if I ever saw one. The audience could barely stop laughing long enough to hear some of the next lines.

It truly was captivating until the very end when we were collectively snapped out of the trance we didn't even realize we were in and PJ stepped out from behind the 'stage'.

At least I assumed it was PJ considering I'd never met him before, not to mention whoever it was was wearing a mask (also made of light). All that was visible were his eyes that were almost as bright a green as the seaweed in his luminous ocean.

Despite everything he had created before being made of light, his cloak was made of shadows, as dark as the rest was bright. I couldn't even tell what colour his skin was, but maybe he didn't even have skin. After what he just created I wouldn't really be surprised if it turns out he was made entirely of luminaries and shadows.

Nope it's definitely PJ, Chris just full on tackled him. I really hope he doesn't do that if we become better friends. Wait, no, now he's taken off the mask and is full on making out with him, but I thought they were just friends; best friends? unless he makes out with all his best friends, in which case I'm out.

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