1) Oh Stop It!

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      Dream scoffed at the boy next to him. "C'mon Sapnap. It was one time, I didn't mean to make him mad." He rolled his eyes. Dream had dirty blonde, it was nearly brown. He also had freckles all over his face. He always wore a black face mask and had a green backpack. His school uniform fit him perfectly. It was a black and white uniform. "But you did. George is now pissed. Maybe you shouldn't have cancelled on him?" Sapnap laughed. Sapnap had black jet hair, along with black eyes. His hair was fluffy. His face was charming, people would normally blush when they saw him. He was the cool friend.

Dream had five main friends; Bad, Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, and George. Bad was the cute boy Lolita type, Karl was the strong silent type, Quackity was the mischievous type, Sapnap was the cool chill type, and finally.. George was the natural. He was naturally attractive as a popular boy. He had a rival however, his name was Wilbur. Wilbur was also a natural. Wilbur always used the word "darling" and "love" when talking to people... mainly Dream... to give off the attractive type of boy.

George played hard to get, which made some girls melt. "You guys need to shut up!" Despite being the boy Lolita type, Bad was the dad of the friend group. He told them what was right and what was wrong. Parented then, lectured them, comforted them, etc. He was mean today, "Is somebody on their period?" Dream joked, Sapnap nudged him. Dream forgot Bad was transgender despite how long he's known him. "Yes, yes I am. Leave me alone you muffin head!" Yelled Bad.

Wilbur walked up to the three, "Is this your freshman friend? Aw. He's so cute!" Wilbur bent down, mocking the shorter's height. Dream and Sapnap started to laugh, Bad rolled his eyes. "Oh you shut it you idiot!" He stood back up and chuckled. "Mr student president, can you move? You're in front of my locker." Sapnap complained. Wilbur stood back, then glared at Dream with the most biggest heart eyes ever.

"Do you need any help with that, darling?" Wilbur questioned, the blonde groaned but didn't respond. "What's wrong, pretty?" Wilbur pushed it even more.

"We're here too!" Sapnap defended him and his brother, Bad. Bad shrugged. He then shut his locker and walked away silently, someone wasn't in the mood. "Sorry, sorry! Hey, Bad! I'm sorry!" Wilbur yelled, chasing after Bad. Wilbur had to be nice to everybody as the student president. He had to make sure he had a wonderful reputation, no bad words said about him.

Dream chuckled at this, the blonde enjoyed Wilbur's company. "Crush." Sapnap commented. Dream looked at him, "What?" He questioned. Sapnap just smirked, then paused for a while. "You have a crush."

"Who has a crush?"

The two screamed when they heard another British man's voice. His name was George and he always randomly popped up at times, it scared the shit out of Sapnap and Dream. "No- no one!" Dream exclaimed. George walked closer to him, "Who has a crush?" He said slowly, saying each word as if it was one sentence at a time. Sapnap rolled his eyes, he assumed this was part of a book somewhere in life. Dream was not bright red, but he was blushing a bit. "Dream does! On Wilbur to be exact." Sapnap grinned.

He knew George liked Dream, he also knew Dream liked Wilbur and George. George was not pleased with this. "Ugh, that prick?" The brunette nagged. "He's a two-faced bitch.." He mumbled. Dream stood back, "No he isn't-"


"There goes our freedom." Sapnap moaned, "Yep. See you guys at lunch."

"What's up, Dream?" A loud blonde laughed out, he was a freshman, an actual one. "What, Tommy?" Dream rolled his eyes. The blonde's name was Tommy, he had more senior friends than freshmen. His brother was Wilbur and Technoblade Soot, that's how Dream knew him. Tommy had a pretty huge friend group: Freddie, Eryn, Tubbo, Purpled, Jack, Ranboo, then Aimsey. They called themselves the popular freshmen's. "Heads up!" Tommy then threw an apple at Dreams head.

"Oh you shit. I will murder you-"

"MRS PUFFY! YOUR SON IS THREATENING ME AGAIN!" He yelled, Mrs Puffy ran over to the two quickly. "Dream!"


"That's because you deserved it."

"What did I do?"

"You stole my Discs!"

"I didn't steal them! I borrowed them without asking!"


Mrs Puffy interrupted the two before it went any farther, "Okay quiet down. First of all, Dream! That is in fact stealing, give the discs back or else I'm taking everything away. You will be homeschooled for the whole month." She threatened, she threatened to homeschool him because she knows that he'll find a way to go on social media at school. "Second of all, Tommy, you know you aren't allowed to hit other students." Mrs Puffy informed.

"Sorry." They both said at the same time, death glaring each other as they replied. Dream rolled his eyes and stared back at his Computer. Tommy, being the child, stuck his tongue out when Mrs Puffy walked away. "Tommy!" Yelled Wilbur. "Oops." Tommy giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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