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"Oh God, yes! Just like that... more."

I get completely still as I hear ragged breaths and sensual moans from behind a grocery rack.

What the hell? I can't see them, yes, but it doesn't take a scientist to figure out what they are doing. It isn't even 10 a.m., for Christ's sake. Lucas would definitely fire them if he was here instead of me.

I slowly walk towards the sound, still careful not to drop the eggs.

I peek through the grocery rack and meet with a sight I have never expected to see even in 100 years.

Jessica, the waitress from earlier, wads in a very compromising position with a man, who shockingly turned out to be my boyfriend.

"Lucas?" I asked in a shock.

I could feel my heartbreak into two as I take in his appearance.

The top buttons of his shirt open, shirt crumpled, hair messy... just like it used to get when I ran my fingers through.

"Lucas, how could you?!" I said to him in an angry tone.

"Babe, it's what it looks like.." Lucas said as his face turns into a full shock.

"Really? Are you really using that line on me?" I asked in a sarcastic shock.

I spot Jessica from the corner of my eye, adjusting her blouse.

She has a wicked smile on her as if she knew this was about to happen.

"After all these years, you decide to cheat on me? And that too with her? Did our time together even matter to you? 4 years, Lucas, how could you throw all that down the drain?!" I said to Lucas in an angry tone almost in a scream.

"Well, can you blame Lucas? He obviously wanted a taste of something prettier." Jessica said to me.

"Jess, stop." Lucas said to Jessica in an angry tone.

"That's it. I want to break up, Lucas. Cheating is not something I will tolerate!" I said to Lucas.

"It was just a kiss, Amelia, why are being a bitch about it?" Lucas said with an angry tone.

Just a kiss?! How can he say that?!

I take one of the egg trays and invert it over his head.

I see Lucas' and Jessica's eyes widen in horror as they realize what I just did.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Lucas asked in shock at me.

"What I should have done the minute I saw you both in this room! You thought you could just cheat on me, and I'd let you off? Think again, Lucas." I said to Lucas with crumpled brows with anger.

Lucas is not dripping head to toe in egg yolk, and that brings a little smile to my face.

"You're crazy, woman! You should be thankful that I didn't dump you way earlier!" Lucas said to me.

"Dump me? I'm the one dumping you, Lucas." I said to him.

"I don't care! I only let you string along as you cooked and managed my restaurant for free!" Lucas said to me.

Ouch, that hurt a bit. Do I really mean that little to him? I love this man! Dedicated myself to his dream. But am I just a tool to him?

"I can't believe you're making a deal out of this, Amelia. What did you expect me to do when you spend all day and night at the restaurant? You loved this restaurant more than me." Lucas said to me.

"I did not! I was working so hard to save up, so we could--" I pauses as I think in a thought of what's happening right now.

I really can't believe this is the man I woke up next to for the last two years. Is Jessica the first one he has cheated on me with? Or were there other strings of women?

"I told you, you should have just fired her, babe." Jessica said to Lucas.

"How many days? For how much time has this been going on? For how long did you manage to fool me?" I asked to Lucas.

"I don't have to tell you any of this shit." Lucas said to me.

That made it clear. Lucas has much more to hide than just this.

"You are sick. I can't believe I wasted four years of my life on you." I said to Lucas.

"Wasted, you say? You wouldn't have even gotten a job if it wasn't for me. You think too highly of yourself, Amelia. Without my restaurant and me, you would be drowning in debt with your headless parents." Lucas said.

That earns him a slap right across his cheek.

"You have no right to talk anything about me, Lucas." I said to him.

Before he tries to grab me by the hand, I move away from him, lifting my hands in the air.

"Don't even dare to touch me. I'm out of here! Let's see how you and your bimbo will run this restaurant without me. Lucas, we're done, Lucas, don't even dare to contact me again." I said to him.

With that, I turn my heels and walk away.

I hear Lucas rampant with rage.

"You are fired! Do you hear me?! You better clear all your stuff from my apartment before I get there tonight! Or I'll throw them away myself!" I hear Lucas said.

I throw my apron in the bin and exit the restaurant before letting my tears flow free.

Today is an absolute disaster.

His Personal Chef (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now