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A couple of days later...

Oh god, I'm going to miss the city bus at this rate.I should have eaten he breakfast faster instead of playing catch-catch under the table with Andrew.

Rushing to the door, I check my sling bag again to confirm I have everything I need. With my focus on the bag, I bump into someone on the way out, and it turn around to hold me straight.

"Coming to give me my goodbye kiss, darling?"

"I'm in a hurry now. I'll give you a goodnight kiss tonight?" I said to Andrew with a smile.

Me and Andrew have gotten considerable closer. Our days are now welcomed by a sweet carefree Andrew instead of the dark, brooding one.

"Where are you running off to, in such a hurry?" Andrew asked to me. "Meeting your secret beau as soon as your boyfriend leaves the abode, huh?" Andrew added.

"Stop joking. You know you're the only closest thing to a beau I have right now. I'm visiting my parents. With Lucas' wedding right around the corner, I won't have time to visit Dad before he starts working again. And I'm afraid I'll miss the bus today if we keep this up..."

I trail off before I let out a warm husky whisper. "Sir."

"Come on, I'll drop you off." Andrew said to me made me shock.

What? No comeback? I thought he would tease the hell out of me until I surrendered and gave him a kiss.

I hear Andrew clear his throat as he tries to adjust his now very-tight pants, which doesn't make it any better.

Did it just get bigger than it was a minute ago?

"What are you waiting for? Do you need to get anything?" Andrew asked to me.

"No... but I don't want to impose. Andrew... won't that make you late for work? I don't want to give you a hard time." I said to him.

"I am the boss, the little chef, who would dare throw a tantrum if I'm late? As as for you trying to give me a hard time--" He look down at this pants, then at my plump pink lips, and gives me a panty-dripping smirk. "It's a little too late for that, don't you think?"


"Such a gentleman." 

Andrew smiles. "I always am." Andrew winks at me getting into the drivers side of the car after opening the shotgun door for me.

As I start to put on my seatbelt, his hands spring out to help me.

"Let me take care of that."

Someone's super helpful today.

"Andrew... I can put on a seatbelt on my own, you know?" I said to him.

"I know. It's just an excuse to get close to you." His eyes leave mine and focus on my lips as he whispers the last words into the air. 

He licks his lips in a slow sensual fashion that makes my chest tighten with anticipation and my eyes drop close expecting a kiss.

"You look beautiful toady." Andrew's lips graze my cheek. right as I'm about to feel his lips on mine, he returns to his seat as he was never here.

"Ready to go, Soufflé?" Andrew asked to me.


"What did you say? I can't hear you." His cock smirk says he heard it all.

God, how did we even get like this?

His Personal Chef (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now