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Deanna had been insistent that he get out and spend time away from his quarters. He couldn't return to duty but spending some time away from sickbay and his own room might just keep him from losing his mind.

He hadn't been able to meet with Worf the week before. He had been on Malcor III and after that Beverly had him practically on lockdown. But the thought of fighting anything now made his stomach turn.

He had gone any way. Maybe that was what had him so far off his game.

That was how he found himself back in sickbay again with bruised ribs. Although he was sure they couldn't have been anymore bruised than his ego after finding out that Worf had made the program easier that go around and he was still knocked to the ground and thrown around enough to get himself hurt.

"Will, when I give you clearance to return to your usual activities this is not what I meant." Beverly scolded lightly.

Will smiled, "Well then doctor, what of my regular activities would you have me doing? It seems as if you don't know who you're talking to."

"I want to keep you in just a little longer since you aggravated some of your old injuries." Beverly said, not finding his cheeky comment to be as amusing as he did.

"It is my fault. I should not have allowed you to participate so soon after your recovery." Worf said.

"It wasn't your fault. I'm fine." Will said.

"You are not fine. You cannot just go out there and start trying to fight again. You need to take it easy." Beverly said firmly.Will shook his head, "I'm fine. Really. I'll rest in my quarters."

He got ready to push himself off of the biobed but Beverly placed her hand on his shoulder. Something about that look in her eyes almost made Will think it was a threat.

"You are going to stay until I release you." She said sternly.

Will rolled his eyes, "Fine. Keep me company, Mr. Worf? We are still supposed to be in the holodeck after all."

Worf nodded and took a seat in the chair next to the biobed. Will looked at Beverly who was still standing next to him.

"If your condition hasn't worsened in the next few hours I'll release you. You need the rest." She said.Will nodded and watched as she walked out of the room.

"I am sorry." Worf said after a few moments.

Will shook his head, "I told you I was ready. It's not your fault."

"I should have consulted with Dr. Crusher." Worf said.Will shook his head, "You were already taking extra precautions

Will shook his head, "You were already taking extra precautions for me. You modified your program to make sure I didn't get hurt."

"And I failed. You are injured." Worf said, "I should have notified Dr. Crusher the moment I suspected you were not in full health."

'I suspected you were not in full health.'

Was he really that bad off? He wasn't that bad, surely. It couldn't have been so obvious. Will didn't want to think about it.

"I'm just a little bruised. I'll be fine." Will said, shifting awkwardly on the bed, "I'm just not ready to return to duty yet."

Will could tell that Worf didn't believe him. He didn't want to think about it either. He had been feeling better. He was getting stronger. He wasn't completely healed yet but he was a lot better than he had been just a few days before.

The two sat in silence.

Will was unsure of what else to say. He didn't even really feel like himself, how could he expect to convince Worf that he was fine?

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