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Will's sobs filled the room. They shook his body and his voice was becoming raw. And Worf didn't know what to do. It was all his fault.

Deanna did not reach for him anymore. She turned to Worf. Of course she would know that it had been Worf's doing.

"Will you sit with us, Worf?" Deanna nodded to the seat to the side of Will, opposite to her own.

He couldn't. But she was warm and inviting. Worf reluctantly sat down. Will was still crying. Worf was never good with emotions, and Will was not usually this emotional.

"Will." Deanna said softly, "Look at me."

Will shook his head, still sobbing. He wanted to stop but the shame and humiliation wasn't enough to override his need to simply cry.

"Imzadi." Deanna tried again, "Please, look at me."

Will looked over at her, his eyes red and swollen. He wiped his eyes with the heel of his palm, sniffling and hiccuping.

"Good. That's very good, Will." Deanna said, "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

Will shook his head, but his eyes fell on Worf, then darted immediately back to his lap. Deanna's face softened. Worf's eyes darted between the two.

"Oh, no. Will, Worf doesn't hate you, he's worried about you." Deanna whispered, "And he doesn't think any less of you."

"I am sorry that I did not protect you. I understand that I let you down." Worf said, "It was not because I hate you. I failed you, it was my own ignorance."

"No." Will sniffled.

"No?" Worf frowned, "Then why?"

"G-got hurt when you made it easy, just for me, c-cause I wasn't strong enough." Will sniffled, he was trying so hard to sound big but his voice was shaky and soft, "You weren't... Weren't supposed to see... This. You think I'm weak."

"I do not think you are weak." Worf said.

Will's eyes looked up at him. He looked so lost. Worf wanted to do something, but he was not good with words like the counselor. She reached out to stroke Will's hair, this time he did not flinch away.

He looked up at her. The two were silent and Worf could only watch until Deanna said something.

"Do you want to tell him?" Deanna asked softly.

Will nodded slowly. Deanna kissed his forehead before looking past him to Worf.

"Worf, are you familiar with age regression?" Deanna asked.

Worf furrowed his brow, "I am unfamiliar with the term."

"It has many definitions." Deanna said, "In Will's case, it is a psychological defense mechanism."

"Defense mechanism?" Worf repeated.

"Will's mind is protecting itself by regressing to a younger age." Deanna explained, "It's a way for him to cope with the trauma he's experienced throughout his life time."

Worf wasn't sure what he was supposed to say. He was sure it must have been a fairly common human practice, possibly a common betazoid practice. But for Klingons, it was unheard of. If he had learned of it earlier in his life, he had not cared to remember.

Worf nodded, understanding now. Data noticing childish habits. Will looking like a lost child. He looked at Will, who was staring at the floor.

"Will's experience on Malcor III has lead him to regress a lot these last few days." Deanna said.

"Is it... Something he can control?" Worf asked.

"Sometimes." Deanna sighed, "It is more voluntary for him when he allows himself to indulge every once and awhile. When he suppressed those needs it becomes more involuntary."

"And now?"

"It is better than it was." Deanna said, "He made the choice to regress before you arrived."

Will looked at him for a long moment, before his face crumpled and he started to cry again. Worf was at a loss. He looked at Deanna for help, but she just looked back at him with a small, encouraging smile.Worf sighed and put an arm around Will's shoulders. Will leaned into him, still crying. Worf felt awkward, but he did not move away.

"It is alright." Worf said, patting Will's shoulder awkwardly.

Will turned into him and sobbed into his chest, clutching Worf's uniform shirt. He curled up into a ball in Worf's lap. Shaking.

Something overcame Worf. That same overwhelming urge to protect that he had felt on the holodeck when Will had fallen to the ground. Worf wrapped his arms around Will and held him close.

"I am here." Worf said, stroking Will's hair.

After a few minutes, Will's crying subsided and he wiped his eyes, but he didn't sit up. He rested his head against Worf's chest and let himself feel the warm comfort.

"Thank you, Worf." Will whispered.

"For what?" Worf asked.

Will said, "For not hating me."

"I could never hate you. You are my brother." Worf said, "I am sorry that I have made you feel as if you were weak. You are not."

Will smiled weakly.

Worf was not sure what else to say. He was not good with emotions. But he meant what he said. He would never hate Will. Will was his brother.

Worf cleared his throat, "You should get some rest."

Will nodded, but he still made no move to get up. Worf did not mind. He was content to sit there and hold Will. He would stay there as long as Will needed him.

Within minutes, Will's breathing evened out and Worf knew he had fallen asleep. His grip on Worf's shirt finally loosened, but Worf did not make any effort to move him.

Deanna smiled at the two of them, then she asked, quietly, blocking Will from her thoughts, "Why did you come to see me, Worf?"

"I wanted to inform you about Commander Riker." Worf said, "Data and LaForge had noticed odd behaviors and were gossiping."

Deanna nearly giggled.

"I felt it would be best to bring it your attention." Worf said.

Deanna nodded, "I appreciate that, Worf. Will is going through a tough time right now. But he's getting better."

Worf nodded. He was unsure of what else to say. So he said nothing, and he held Will just a little bit tighter than before.

"You're a good friend, Worf." Deanna said, she smiled, "And a good brother. He needed to discuss this with you. You both needed to."

Worf nodded again, this time he felt his cheeks flush. He looked down at the sleeping man in his lap. Will's thumb was tucked securely in his mouth and he looked peaceful and calm. Worf had never seen him so relaxed, not even in ten-forward, socializing with the crew.

"He'll be alright, Worf." Deanna said, and Worf looked up, "With time, he'll be himself again. But for now, just be there for him. He needs his friends now."

Worf looked back up at her and nodded. He would be there for Will. He would protect him.

"Will you tell me more about this regression?" Worf asked.

Deanna curled her legs up onto the sofa to get comfortable, "Just age regression in general? Or Will's age regression specifically?"

"In general." Worf said, "I will discuss the commander's regression with him, when he is willing."

Little One (Will Riker Agere Story)Where stories live. Discover now