more bill mems

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my 5th grade teacher: ok! now everyone show me your work

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my 5th grade teacher: ok! now everyone show me your work

me with a color changer on my phone and makes it look like I wrote it down: ok!

(Yes, this happened! and I'm in honors math, reading, science and PACE......E)

kara:  *wheeze* *chokes on waffle fries* *somehow summons bill*

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kara:  *wheeze* *chokes on waffle fries* *somehow summons bill*

bill: oh, gravity falls it is good to be bac- oh...........*sigh* sketchbook (the "pine tree" thing but me) FOR THE-

quick: *blinks* I've seen more cursed

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quick: *blinks* I've seen more cursed

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quick: ima just *calls for help*

kara: *Visbal confusion*

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kara: *Visbal confusion*

 (if you don't know. eye----->glasses)


Remember! Reality's an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold! Byeeee!

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