for alice's aplyfic!

22 6 2

name: kara

age: 12 (turning 13 at 1/6)

gender: female/fluid

pronouns: yes (she/her/he/him/they/them/kara/quicklight)

personality: kind but will kick ass if needed, chaotic, dum at times, can get impatient, gay, scaringly good with heat (can wear a lot of thick clothing in the hottest day of summer), good at art, every once and a whole will just go into a 'spiral' of most emotions she can feel

appearance: dark brown (short) hair with it fading to bleached, dark brown eyes, gray hoodie, gray sweatpants, gray boots, pink wire-less headphones with mic that are a portable radio, a huge black backpack that caries her art supplies and weapons, has paint and marker marks on her almost 24/7 

weapon: most melee weapons, most long-range weapons and F I R E. DON'T give her any explosives! she can't do anything with that other than kill herself

melee weapons she is good at: Knife, Dagger, Sword, Scythe, Machete, Shuriken, Trident, Lance, Mace, Nunchaku, brass knuckles, baseball bat, sledgehammer, axe, pickaxe, chainsaw 

long-range weapons she is good at: most guns, bow, crossbow, throwing axe, throwing knife, slingshot, blow darts

(God help my fingers)

what she looks like!

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(god that took way to long XD)

just some art i made (art book 1)Where stories live. Discover now