5. slender fingers and cruel mouths

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chapter v; slender fingers and cruel mouths 

act i; wax-dipped wings 

act i; wax-dipped wings 

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THE towering townhouse belonging to the Bridgerton family is hidden by iron-wrought gates covered in twining rose bushes that almost obscure it from sight. Cornelius spies a singular pink rose leaning a bit too close to his head and picks it from its stem, pocketing it when he realises that it is the exact same shade of the blush that covers Benedict's face when his lips are carving his love into the planes of his body.

He wheels his harp in front of him, stopping when he reaches the bottom of the white stone staircase. There is purple wisteria hanging from the brown brick and it grazes the side of the house as gracefully as the woman coming down the steps to meet them. She smiles kindly when she greets them, but when her eyes pause only briefly on Cornelius, it is like being dipped in fire. She remembers. He doubts any of them have forgotten. But Viscountess Bridgerton went out of her way to invite the Travelling Company to play at her eldest daughter's wedding reception despite the fact that his presence is a blight on everyone she surrounds herself with.

Did Benedict somehow convince her just for the excuse of having Cornelius in his home for once?

Oh, how he has longed to come here. To sully him in his own bedroom. To surround himself in the place that Benedict feels warmest, with the paint strewn all about the room, and his natural scent permeating every corner. What Cornelius would do to lay in Benedict's bed and be surrounded by the harsh scent of tobacco and paint that clings to him despite his attempts to wash it off with rose oil in the bath.

"Welcome," Viscountess Bridgerton greets them.

They're dressed in their best clothes in matching shades of cream and silver that make them look like a cohesive group instead of a mismatched family who spent two hours this morning arguing over whether it should still be called breakfast if it is being eaten after noon. The nays outweighed the yays and Frederick and Cornelius have been sulking about it since. Viscountess Bridgerton doesn't seem to notice.

"It's a pleasure to play for you and your family, Viscountess." Frederick takes her hand and presses a kiss to the back of it. She looks equally as scandalised as she does pleased, and she waves him off with a small smile and a blush akin to Benedict's. Starting in the nose and working its way, quickly, to the ears. Cornelius drops his gaze to the recently shined boots on his feet. Best not to think about Benedict while he's staring at his mother.

"It is a pleasure to have you play. My family and I were there to watch you open at the opera and it was a delight. My daughter is so pleased to have you celebrate the day with us."

ICARUS ... b.bridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now