Chapter 3

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I wake to the sound of someone in my room.

    I slowly open my eyes and look at the time displayed on my alarm clock that rested on my nightstand by my bed: it read 4:30 AM. 

Whoever is in my room at this ungodly hour will pay. I immediately got up and started swinging. I may be at a disadvantage due to the darkness, but so is the intruder. I could easily take whoever this is. I could feel the air around them shift as they dodged all of my punches. 

Goddamnit, this is frustrating.

I had to end this, but how? I could attempt to get to the light switch to turn on the light. It shouldn’t be too difficult considering the intruder won’t swing at me. As I quickly started moving towards the light switch, I tripped over something and fell and knocked something over with me.

That something quickly moved to lay on top of me and reached up for the light switch. 

I breathed a sigh of relief; it was only Alec.

“Alec!” I yelled, “What do you think you are doing in my room? And at this hour? Are you insane?”

“I’m sorry! I know you only said to stay until you fell asleep, but every time I tried to leave last night, you would pull me back into your bed. After your night terror, I didn’t want to wake you, so I stayed. I was trying to sneak out for my morning workout, but I guess I accidentally woke you up. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“What do you mean? I don’t remember-,” Just then, it hit me like a brick to the face. The night terror, asking him to stay with me. My wolf went crazy with desire, just like she was doing right now. 

Then, I realized what position I was in. I was on the floor, with Alec laying on top of me, a lustful look in his eyes. I’m sure my eyes mirrored his. Both of our wolves could feel the sexual tension that our bodies were giving off. Almost simultaneously, our wolves took control of the situation, feeding off of the tension, and causing our lips to collide passionately. 

We both deepened the kiss, neither of us wanting it to ever end. He slowly moved his hands along my sides, tracing my subtle curves with his gentle hands. We both somehow were standing again, him having me pinned against the wall as we continued our kiss.

I had kissed him before, but it was nothing like this. Before, it was rushed, and short. Now, it was intense. I felt like I had more control over myself, allowing me to be the one kissing him, not my wolf. I was in full control. 

I started to pull away. As much as I enjoyed our intimate moment, I needed to talk to him, “Thank you for staying with me last night. It means a lot.”

“Eve, I’ll always be here for you,” he replied, an earnest look in his eyes. He said it so intensely, I had to believe it. Somehow, he would find a way to always be there for me. His piercing, dark brown eyes stared directly into my deep blue ones. I could feel our wolves connecting in a way I never thought possible. 

“I will always be here for you, too, Alec.”

He smiled. A real smile, then he started laughing.

“What are you laughing at?” I asked, wondering what could have elicited a reaction like that.

“Remind me to never wake you up early ever again,” he laughed.

“I never once claimed to be a morning person.”

“Well, I am a morning person, so I guess you’ll just have to get used to it.”

“No way in Hell will I ever wake up at,” I paused to check the time, “4:50 in the morning. You are lucky I’m letting you live.”

Her Broken WolfWhere stories live. Discover now