22• Definitely experienced

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" I'm gonna make you wish you hadn't said that. "

With the menacing threat acting as a preamble, or perhaps a warning, the well built villain didn't strain to shove her body towards the bed on which he was sitting down. With swift hands, he reached for the hem of her lower garments hooking fingers around both the pants and underwear to now fully yank them down past her ankles. Even if she wasn't shy, the abrupt motion made her tug down on her sweater to cover her now exposed crotch with a high-pitched little yelp that didn't do much besides amusing Dabi.

If this was going to be a punishment, she seemed too unrestrained for his liking and as he kneeled on the bed, after removing his black coat, a hand undid his belt in the front to yank the leather accessory out of his pants in such a threatening quick motion that made her heart jump all the way up to her mouth.

Arousing ? Yes, definitely. Dabi removed his coat to display the well defined muscles on his arms and shoulders along with his scars and the burnt skin that disappeared beneath his white tank top. (Y/n) couldn't help but to tense up at the sight of the belt now in his hands and the expression on her face must have been a poem because his lips were slightly curving into a smirk.

Reaching for her wrists, he skillfully tied them together with the aforementioned accessory and sadly, there was no headboard to restrain her to but having her hands together resting on top of her lower belly will have to do for now.

Even if he decided to leave her sweater on, he simply tugged the fabric up until it bunched up on top of her collarbones, revealing the brassier that wasn't going to stay there for long. It was... Impressive how easily the villain unclasped the back of it after sliding his hand between her back and the mattress, he even knew to unhook the straps from the cups in order to remove it easier.

This fucker was definitely experienced.

The cold air licking at her now exposed chest erected the sensitive buds that seemed to beg for attention once his mouth leaned much closer to one of her breasts but unlike what she expected, the azure-flame villain aimed for the side of it, right next to her nipple in order to roughly suck on the patch of skin now trapped between his teeth in order to form a deep crimson mark. The pain on such sensitive skin made her whimper out loud and as a response, his intense stare shot up to her face to arch a brow at her with his following question.

" Who was the slut who asked to be marked ? " And as he placed the question on the table, a ringed hand gripped firmly onto the opposite breast to give it a firm slap with his spare hand, yanking another high pitched noise out of her throat.

" That was me ! Argh... But who was the jealous motherfucker who made me do it ? " Now that response made both of his brows raise in a mix of surprise as his lips spread further into such devilish smile.

Her defiant attitude awoke something in him and with a hand next to her head for leverage, Dabi hovered above her with his lips brushing against hers whilst grunting through gritted teeth. " Shut the fuck up or I'll make you choke on my dick. "

The threat made her lips twist into a mischievous little grin that didn't last for long on her face after feeling the impact of his hand on her cheek. The first one wasn't too bad but the second one right after numbed her brain for a split of a second, releasing such a sultry noise. " Fuck ! Dabi ! "

" That's what I wanted to hear. "

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