47• Cold

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There had been a couple of rookie members of the League who got caught during the raid, thankfully no one truly indispensable for their plans and (y/n) would have been one of the unfortunate losses if feelings hadn't been involved from Tomura and Dabi who improvised a mid-air rescue plan at the very last second.

Now they had to try and make an old abandoned house in the mountains their new hideout or at least a decent place to sleep for the incoming night as it rapidly reduced visibility in the place. It was certainly going to be an uncomfortable night.

The leader quietly sat on a dirty old couch with a lost stare that could only mean one thing: he was plotting, planning, thinking… You could almost hear the gears turning in his head.
The rest of the League was scattered around the place, some of them exploring the place for anything of use there or a corner to call their own.

“ Fucking bird. “ Even though (y/n)’s irritated murmuring was directed at the hero who got the closest to catch her, the painful hissing was due to her wounds on her wrists inflicted by Dabi in his desperate attempt to save her.

“ Come with me. “ The ever so stoic flame villain beckoned her to tag along as he walked out of the cabin through the back door and towards a small creek he found not long ago.

Even though Dabi tried his best to be careful in his actions, there was no delicate way to pour water on a second degree burn and not make her yelp in pain, especially when it came to icy cold mountain water. “ Sorry. “ It was almost a murmur but she was able to hear it.

“ Hey… Thanks to you I'm still here. “ As they were both crouching in front of the stream, she got to gently bump her forehead against his temple to emphasize her grateful words. “ Stay with me tonight… Or I might actually freeze to death. “ (Y/n) almost felt sorry for the rest of the team who didn't get to sleep holding their own personal heater unlike her.

“ Weak. “ There was a playful undertone in his voice.

Author's note: Well, I struggled a lot to write this chapter :c I'm sorry for having a huge writer's block but I promise I'm working on it.

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