32• Oh sh!t

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" What ? You're gonna... So that means... Oh shit. "

" Oh shit indeed. " A large hand decorated with staples and scars reached for the roots of her hair to firmly grip onto them and yank hard enough to rip a sultry moan out of her. " Wanna start by showing him your ass ? " Having her in that straddling position allowed Dabi to yank on her cotton pyjama shorts as well as her underwear to reveal her ass cheeks and smacking one of the mounds once again, this time much harder to evoke another noise out of her.

There was something arousing about the way Dabi dirty talked to her, specially in this kind of situation. " What a fucking slut, you're showing your boss your ass ? Huh ? " But he was the one spreading her ass cheeks to obscenely display the puckered entrance.

" Take her clothes off. " Shigaraki dropped the command and when she sent a glance back at him, it was painfully obvious how hard he was already pushing against the fabric of his clothes.

" Fuck off, you don't give me orders. But I can agree on having her naked. Right, doll ? " His teeth reached for the curve where her neck met her shoulder to sink teeth into the soft spot for a brief taste before yanking her t-shirt off and past her head, having her roll onto the bed so he could get rid of the lower garments that were already halfway down and when she was laid on the bed, the leader could notice the mark on her chest, the little lines of scabs forming Dabi's name, which made another low chuckle bubble out of his throat.

" You're so fucking possessive... Did you really have to carve your name on her skin ? Can't blame you, I think I would've done the same. " Needless to say, both were quite the mental cases on their own.

" And she was the one asking to be marked. "

" Oi ! "

" Am I lying ? "

" Fuck you. "

" No, we are about to fuck you. "

Dabi's laughter shook her to the core, it was devilish but so alluring. She hated how much she liked hearing it.
It wasn't difficult for the dark-haired one to readjust her position to have her sitting in between his legs this time, her back against his chest and facing their guest. " Now, spread them. Show him. " It was obvious how aroused Dabi actually was by the situation and it could be heard in his tone as it got raspier.

On the other hand, the sight had Shigaraki grinning from ear to ear in such a hungry manner, walking over whilst Dabi's fingers pried into her mouth to rub onto her tongue in order to wet the middle and ring fingers before reaching down to eagerly caress circles against her fully exposed clit, which made her tense up by the sudden influx of pleasure.

Sitting down in front of them, the crimson-eyed gave her a good staring from head to toe, devouring her with his gaze before reaching for her entrance with his index and middle finger only, brushing against the entrance in a teasing manner as he leaned closer to her face. " Look at me while I finger you. " She never thought she would actually be in this position with the man who recruited her for this villain position, the person she saw like a twisted leader with dubious morals, he was now burying his fingers knuckle-deep and ripping the deepest moan out of her throat when curling his fingertips upward against her pubic bone, right into the sweet spot. It had been so clever from him to wear artist gloves to cover his little and ring finger while leaving the rest for him to feel her. The simultaneous stimulation on her clit and inside of her was making a mess out of her already as she tried closing her thighs together but being met by a reprimanding smack of Dabi against her outer thigh.

" That's a good girl. " Tomura's tone sounded like there was an underlying growling in his voice.

" She is. " Dabi agreed against the shell of her ear.

Once she was breathless from the constant squirming and moaning, he finally slipped his digits out just to stick them into his mouth with a pleasant grunt in the back of his throat and the most mischievous grin she has ever seen on his lips right before he pried the same pair of fingers into her mouth as if to make her suck them clean.

" This fucker... I said no kissing but you had to go for an indirect one. " The flame villain sounded amused but she could only guess because she was unable to see his expression from her current position. " Pass me the lube, crusty-fuck. " Now it was him ordering Shigaraki, yet he didn't hesitate because he knew exactly what that meant. Once the bottled substance was in Dabi's possession, he proceeded to coat his fingers in order to toy with her tighter entrance, the ring of muscle he was working on loosening up enough to avoid unpleasant pain and of course, in the meantime, the crimson-eyed one didn't miss his change to target one of her breasts for his enjoyment.

The different points of stimulation had her in such a blissful state, arching her back off Dabi's chest upon the teasing on her own and the way Shigaraki's teeth roughly tugged on the hardened bundle of nerves while her partner slowly pried into her rear win one finger at a time. " I can't wait to fill your ass with my cum. "

This time the constant moaning filled up the room, the noises bouncing off the walls and feeding their ears as she struggled to adapt to the pleasant stretching. " Fuck... I want them. " The begging statement for some reason caught them off guard, not expecting the eagerness but welcoming it with their own obscene intentions.

" How eager... Then get on his fucking dick and ride him. " Dabi's words were complied without hesitation from both of them and whereas she was fully naked, both of them barely tugged their lower garments down enough to be out of their way while shifting into position. The thickness filling up her entrance made her eyelids flutter shut with a wide grin spreading on her lips as she impatiently began to roll her hips back and forth without waiting for her insides to get adjusted to Tomura's size.
However, what was about to truly take her aback would be the weight of her partner against her back, hips against her rear as he used a hand to help himself align the tip against her rear and to nudge into the tight ring of muscles putting resistance until the glans had forced its way inside and she could only whimper in a type of pain she was enjoying.

" What happened, brat ? You seemed so eager before... Now you can't take both of us ? " Dabi's tone was breathless because he was struggling with the pleasure of how tight she was around him but it didn't stop him from spreading both of her ass cheeks until he could fully disappear inside her and her voice croaked with a high pitched whimper. He didn't expect Shigaraki to hold onto her hips in order to snap his hips upward into her and he definitely didn't expect to be able to feel him through the wall separating both of her holes. It was inebriating.

" Fuck... You're fucking dripping. " Tomura could barely form a coherent sentence while his brain tried to process the amount of endorphins overflowing it.

" I... It's... Too much... I can't... " And those were the moans both sadistic villains wanted to hear, only encouraging them to move in sync in and out into eager snaps of their hips while she could only claw at the mattress next to Shigaraki's head and lock her hips in place while feeling the overwhelming sensations shoving her straight into her orgasm with incoherent whimpering that failed to form a sentence, she was crying out but it sounded more like ecstasy than pain, yet the line was blurry between them.  " I'm gonna fucking cum... " Her breathless moans managed to warn them but the incoming orgasm could only serve to tighten her walls and increase the intoxicating pressure around them.

She could only feel the short dull nails of those four hands sinking into the flesh of her thighs, hips and waist while the echoing of their grunts and groans added to her sensory overstimulation she was already having with both of them filling her up to the brim with their own release, making her feel so obscenely full.


Author's note: sorry for the shitty writing but I really wanted to update before falling asleep ! I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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