4. Back and Forth

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I looked down at my phone, and then at the scrawled number on the receipt resting on my thigh.

The clock on my bedside had struck long past midnight, and I could still hear Nadine and Lexy outside on the living room couch, giggling and having fun with no regard for me in the room beside them.

I fell back into my bed, my freezing bare back settling into the pillows uncomfortably. I had no idea why I was even stressing over texting Devon. He had been the one to make the first move and give me his number in the first place. I pulled the receipt in place beside my phone, "Fuck this." I muttered under my breath.

is this Devon?

I violently threw my phone on the bedding beside me as if my case had grown claws and and scratched me, going back to drumming my fingers on my chest impatiently. What if Devon was kidding about me texting him, and it was just a scheme to trick me into false security so I could get a kick of the same torment I received in high school?

My phone buzzed, and I glanced down at it, where a bright green icon set itself up next to a pile of 2 texts.

im gonna take a wild guess and assume this is jake?

I smiled at my phone, analyzing the way Devon was texting, as if I could tell whether or not he liked me with those words alone.

you guessed right

i knew it
didn't doubt my psychic powers for a second

of course you didn't

it's okay you can admit you're jealous of my abilities
im actually famous for it
i don't give out autographs for free tho

how much for one then

$150 and your first newborn

hard bargain
is there any different form of pay?

I guess you can have a discount
because you're nice

My smile deepened, digging so far into my cheeks like it was trying to etch itself permanently into my face so everyone knew how hard I smiled whenever Devon and I made contact.

awe that's so sweet
pity is my love language

great to know

wha do yu mean hy tat

what do you mean by THAT
you and your terrible typing omg

everyone always points that out wheb I text them MY TYPING ISNT THAT BAD!!!!!!!





nah how did u stop screaming mid sentence
i could hear that lowercase e

omg im literally gonna throw something

at me??? from across the city of chicago???


u have got to have really good aim for that to land

bleh bleh bleh
im deevon
i know everything cause im old
and im a human grameraly

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