0400 Hours to 0600 Hours

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At 0432 hours, elements of the 31st Royal Parachute Infantry Regiment landed two klicks north of beach landing site alpha. Only Alpha company actually made it to the LZ, Bravo company's landing was aborted after the lead aircraft had to return to the airfield because of engine problems. A platoon and the company anti tank squad moved to set up an ambush on the main road leading toward the beach. B and C platoons moved toward the beach, passing A platoon as they moved. Company HQ followed behind, maintaining radio contact with A platoon, to keep control over the ambush. At 0457 B and C platoon reached the landing site, and moved to secure the 6 bunkers that watched over the landing site. Two men of B platoon were wounded, and were moved to an ad hoc medical station in bunker VI no casualties were taken in C platoon. Company HQ was set up on the beach itself, commanding the defense of the beach, alongside the ambush.

At 0512 the ambush noticed a squad of motorized infantry riding in two half-tracks. The A2 anti-tank rifle took out the first half-track's engine, forcing the squad to dismount and move toward the firing location. A platoon quickly engaged the squad, holding their position by the road. By 0534 hours the squad had been almost completely decimated, and three prisoners were taken by A platoon. A platoon lost 1 man and three were wounded and moved back to the aid post by the platoon sergeant. The whole platoon moved toward the beach, and by 0600 hours, defensive positions were set up, defending the beachhead.

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