Chapter 8

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The days slowly become cooler, and it is a welcomed change. I think I've fully adjusted to this new life, but I have this lingering ache to go visit my old apartment in South Side. I can't help but wonder if the real Eliott and my body are still out there. If so, he is not tough enough to survive the environment of the slums.

Unfortunately, Mr. Langston has me studying all day on the weekends and I have tutoring on some weekdays too. On top of that, I have four third-year courses for the semester. I can see where the tutoring is building a solid medical foundation, but I have a long way to go according to William.

Surprisingly, he hasn't tried anything funny with me since then. I'm starting to wonder if I went overboard to write him off as a despicable pervert. He did say he was in a secret relationship with Eliott, so maybe it was hard to see his boyfriend completely forget him. I got a taste of that recently with Avi. I keep pondering how he would react if he had seen the real Zyon. Would he even remember me or still treat me like a friend? I guess I won't find out, but somehow, I feel satisfied with just seeing him around. I only need to keep my distance from him.

Speaking of the Devil - in walks Avi. He doesn't say a word, but his confident walk commands respect. He sits at the edge of the pool, already wet from the showers. Some of our classmates slowly gather around him, but not too close because of his intense aura. His eyes meet mine and I quickly turn the other way on the bench I'm sitting on.

The old geezer comes in, accompanied by a beautiful girl in a red lifeguard swimsuit. Everyone gathers quietly to listen to the old geezer's low, husky voice spit instructions.

"Today, we are going to focus on the breaststroke. Janine here has medaled multiple times for our swim team. She is going to help you with your techniques."

Janine demonstrates a full lap for us and it rivals the speed and grace of Avi's swimming. I get excited, knowing soon I will be able to glide through the water too.

"Okay watch and listen carefully as she helps the first two students." the geezer checks his attendance sheet. "Kelly and Eliott, go thread in the water beside Janine."

I stand happily, but a bit nervous. In my former life, I was always proud that I was both book smart and street smart. As I stare at the pool, I find myself in disbelief at my stupidity. Why did I sign up for this class, when I possibly drowned a few months ago. Still, Elliot should already know how to swim, so I guess this shouldn't be a big problem.

"Sir, thread? You just need to keep kicking your legs to stay in place, right?"

Sure enough, the old geezer has a confused look on his face when he asks, "You don't know how to thread? If you know how to swim, then you know how to thread... you can swim right?"

"Erm... well... I think I used to be able to. I just need a refresher; maybe like fifteen minutes just to get the hang of it?" I utter softly now that the class is breaking out into whispers about me.

"I'm confused young man. Are you saying you don't remember how to swim? Because it's not something people usually forget. This is not Beginners Swimming; this elective is Advanced Swimming."

I'm hating the awkward attention and snickers in the background. I've watched swimming tutorials before. I just need to start propelling with my arms, then kick myself forward with my legs. It's not too hard, I just have to settle with being slow and not so graceful for now. Plus, Eliott's body knows how to swim. There is a huge pool at the mansion. "No, I can swim. I'm just not great yet."

Nervously, I lower myself into the pool where the ladies are waiting. As soon as I let go, I sink. I'm kicking and propelling as hard as I can, but I can't even keep my head above the water and fear and panic takes over. Even as Janine drags me to safety from behind.

The continuous laughter around jolts me back to reality. The old geezer is kneeling beside me, upset. He conks my forehead lightly, "Are you crazy?! Why are you in this class if you don't know how to swim?"

Before I even open my mouth to answer. A random kid yells from the group. "Sir, don't you recognize him? He is that rich kid who was all over the news right before summer, when he drove off a bridge!"

Another kid replies, "I knew it was him. But there is a rumor that he died."

"Okay. Okay. Knock it off, don't be insensitive." The old geezer's husky voice towers above everyone. He softens his tone. "Is that true, Eliott?"

Heat rushes to my cheeks from the embarrassing scenario I created for myself. I wrap my frail arms tighter around my legs. "Yes, I lost control in the heavy rain and drove off a bridge, but I don't remember anything about it."

"Hmmm, amnesia? I tell you what, I'll make an exception to keep you in the class. Swimming is a vital life skill after all." The old geezer smiles at me, but his bleak eyes are filled with pity. The last thing I need was pity. Even when I didn't know where I would get my next meal from, I hated getting pitied the most.

"I don't have the vigor to teach you. So, Avi, I'm appointing you to teach him how to swim. I remember last week's excellent performance. You are the best one in this class."

"No thanks. Maybe the pretty lifeguard could teach me." I object quickly.

"Yeah, I'm not interested either." Avi intersects in an indifferent tone.

"Janine is only helping me out today. It's better if one person teaches you each week - consistency is important. Avi, I know you are a good kid so do me this favor. Teach him how to swim and you pass automatically." The old geezer bargains, not knowing how much worse he is making my life.

I look at Avi who is clearly displeased. "Okay. Fine. I'll teach him."

The rest of the class learns how to breaststroke under Janine's guidance, while my embarrassment grew. Avi had me in the shallow section of the pool on a paddle board, practicing my strokes.

"Do you really have amnesia?" Avi asks, his sharp eyes piercing me.


"So that whole thing about meeting me as a child was a lie then?"

"Not all my memory is gone." I try to keep my answers short and not get into details. I can tell he is still perceptive like when he was a kid.

"Well then, tell me what you remember about Zyon. Everything."

My heart races in my chest. I'm happy and nervous at the same time - I don't know how to feel about his sudden interest in the real me.  

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