Chapter 6

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Too many Dm's for me to update today so here it is.


Khushi sat on the recliner folding her wasked clothes when Arnav entered the room staring at her and he would admit she is the most beautiful woman he had met compared to all the models whom everyone drooled over and wanted to be but they all had plastic surgery done on them but his Khushi was all natural.

"Khushi for you. " Arnav uttered suddenly and pushed forward a beautiful bouquet of roses to Khushi who looked up with a scowl on her face which made Arnav gulp nervously.

She ignored him and picked up her bag and was walking away when an annoyed Arnav yanked her into his chest.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me when am speaking t...... "

Arnav stumbled backwards and the rose fell to the floor as he held his abused cheek.

He stared in shock at a raging Khushi and he couldn't believe she had slapped him and that too so hard that a man of his height and weight stumbled backwards and fell.

Khushi took predatory steps towards him and Arnav for the first time in his life knew what I felt like to shudder in fear.

Khushi grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to her face with a murderous glint in her eyes.

"Gone was that Khushi who tolerated your abuse...... This Khushi will kill you without blinking. ..... Two months is all that's left and if your dare try to get closer to me or repeat the stupidity you exhibited minutes ago, then I will make your sister and your life a living hell..... Understood. " Arnav bobbled his head as if in a trance and Khushi pushed him off and walked away leaving a stupiefied Arnav behind.

Arnav was shocked seeing this Khushi and he knew wooing her will take a miracle but he wasn't going to give up and even though he wanted to punish Khushi, he knew this was the time.

"I broke you once Khushi Kumari Gupta and I will break you again after you have served your purpose...... I can't believe I was falling in love with you and am glad I saw the real you before you trapped me. "

NK's Room.

Nk sat in his room unable to wrap his head around the Khushi he had met.

She was different from the Khushi he had left a few months back.

He regretted accepting his dream of working with the best wildlife photographer  in  the world.

If he hadn't told Khushi then she wouldn't have forced him to go and maybe he would have been able to protect her from Arnav and his bullying which up until now he couldn't understand why Arnav changed after their marriage.

Even more shocking was her defending Shyam and speaking of him as if he was a good man.


Nk entered Arnav's room to find Khushi busily writing  but Khushi was too engrossed to sense his presence.

"Kuki." Nk squealed and Khushi jerked in fright and glared at Nk but it turned to see smile as Nk sat by her and placed the laptop he was holding on the table.

"How are you Nanhe and why are you here?...... I thought you said the project was going to take five months and you are already here a month early. " Khushi asked curiously and Nk pinched her cheeks.

"I was supposed to finish next month but things went faster and now I am here to meet all of you and send some quality time with the family before my next project. "

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