Chapter 11

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I was able to get some free time, so here is an update.

Rudra walked up to Arnav and towered over him and even though Arnav was six foot one, he was no match for Rudra's height of six foot four frame.

"You had so much potential as a business man and a good person but you chose narcissism and egotism just like our fucking father. " Rudra yelled and everyone stared at him in shock and he moved back and shoved Arnav into the couch behind him as he turned and stared at Nani in disgust. "Everyone mother aspires for their daughter to be wives but you aspired for yours to be a mistress before becoming a wife....... I am the son of Isha Rathore and that bastard Arvind Malik........ While your shameless daughter was six months pregnant with this murderer you call a granddaughter, my mother was already two months pregnant with me. "

To say they were shocked by the revelation will be an understatement and Rudra shook his head at them and turned to Arnav.

"Your mother took it upon herself to taunt my mother so much that she left her marriage and moved away and had me....... Coincidentally two years after she left, she meet your mother who was heavily pregnant with you and again the taunt started and my mother could have humiliated her for being a mistress cum wife but she was a bigger and better person. "

"Shut up. " Arnav yelled as he stood up and grabbed a vase throwing it on the floor shattering it into piece and he turned to Rudra looking like a maniac. "My mother may have been a mistress but she was never that horrible it was your mother who was the monster and tormented the family that's why Arvind chose my mother. "

"Ask you Nani if am lying because she was also in on the taunts against my mother. " Rudra uttered calmly and Arnav walked up to Nani and kneeled in front of her.

Her tears in eyes was all Arnav needed to know it was true and he started screaming and breaking everything his could get his hands on.

His believe of his mother being a saint were now shattered and it hurts him so much.

He fell to the floor exhausted by the overwhelming emotions as everyone except HP  who was enjoying seeing him broken and so did Shyam but Rudra was cursing himself for putting his brother through this.

"See what you have created Mrs Deviyani Singh Raizada...... Instead of raising him to a fine gentleman, you raised him into a monster and this murderer's puppet...... You never taught him how to process his emotions properly and encouraged the toxic bond between him and Anjali thinking it was healthy...... If you had taught Arnav right, he wouldn't have bribed the commissioner to cover up what she did...... You all think Pihu was the only person who Anjali killed that night then you are all wrong. "

Everyone stared at him confused as he walked up to a devastated Anjali who's Arnav's broken state has triggered her sense of humanity.

"Do you remember you nearly had a head to head collision with an suv? "

Anjali nodded and the tears Rudra was holding back for so long betrayed him.

"My mother was in the suv and not only that but an innocent man with a wife and eight years old daughter was in the car too...... He was my mother's driver and he lost control of the car and fell into the ravine because of you...... If only you had stopped, my mother and him would have been saved because do you know why. " Anjali shook her head crying. "They were alive for ten hours...... If only you had called the ambulance on time my mother and her driver would have lived..... But you left them to die..... You let them to die. " Rudra yelled at Anjali with blood shot eyes and she flinched and wailed out loud.

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