30: Hospitalized

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It stayed like that for over a month now. And whenever Mujaheed asked her if she was feeling any pain, she had always told him that she didn't. She didn't know what was wrong with him though, because if she wasn't mistaken before she passed out, Mujaheed looked like his old self, more than his old self even. He looked so worried that for a moment she thought if she told him what was wrong with her, he might've done all he could to make sure she was saved.

She was in so much pain, and everyday it felt like it was intensifying. And now, she had resorted to avoiding Mujaheed at all cost because it only got to intensify whenever she was together with him. They didn't have to be close to each other, just being together with him from a distance was enough to stir her up and she would have herself crying due to excess pain.

She had to resort to taking pain killers because if not, she would dash out everyday. She had asked Nana whether she had put something into her food that day or she had seen someone did that, and Nana swore to her that she hadn't and didn't see anyone as well. Fareeda wondered what was wrong, what had went wrong or who wanted to see her dead apart from Asma'u. Which she was sure Asma'u will never do this for her because the one thing she dreaded in her life was for them to be intimate with each other.

She had just prayed her Asr Salah when she felt as her mood slowly began to change, she didn't know when her heart lost a bit because feeling that was the same as her heart being tugged out of her chest. She rushed to her bedside drawer and pulled it out, taking the bottle of her pills, Fareeda shook it but she lost all hopes when she didn't feel anything in it. How did she exhausted her pills without having a way to get another?

She clenched her lower lip when she felt an excruciating pain in her lower abdomen and also her body began to weaken. Her skin pores began to straighten as all the sentive parts of her body became more lousy with desire. Her tears sprang from her eyes as she slid down beside the bed with both hands on her lower abdomen as she massaged it to feel some ease. But nothing came, it only increased with each tick of the clock.

When she heard the living room being closed, she closed her eyes because she knew for a fact that today, unlike other days wouldn't be so easy for her. Because since the first day it had happened, luckily whenever the mood struck, Mujaheed wasn't around and he wasn't back until she was fast asleep after getting some relief. And from that day, he started sleeping in the room as well, which to her she understood that he did that in case of emergency and she couldn't walk to the living room to ask him for help. She didn't put the barriers between them anymore, but she was so self conscious that she barely had two full hours of sleep at night.

He walked into the room with a soft Salam on his lips and the moment his eyes fell on her as she rolled from one side of the living room to the other, he rushed to her and caught her into his arms. "Fareeda, what's wrong?" He asked, lifting her up as he hugged her tightly to his chest.

With her tears rolling down unchecked on her cheeks, she shook her head at him. "My stomach, I think it's going to kill me today." She felt as his hands moved up and down on her arms and that wasn't helpful to her body. She wanted to shoo him away, tell him that she would appreciate it more if he helped her from a far distance, but she didn't have the energy to do so.

"Where's your car key?" He asked, and amidst her painful whimpers and cries, she shook her head.

"I don't have to go to the hospital, I'll be fine when I take the pain relievers." Sometimes the way her body responded didn't disturbed her like the abdominal pain did. Because for that, she would act as if nothing was happening within her body and keep on acting as she used to. But for the abdominal pain, she couldn't pretend she was fine even if she wanted to.

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