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It's already been a day since our talk. I haven't brought the topic out ever since. We are at the dance practice for our concert. I don't know why but I think he's been avoiding me. A bit earlier we made eye contact. Normally we would have exchanged some winks and glances but this time he just quickly avoided my eyes.
*Trrng Trrrng
'The bell rang. Its the break. I've been waiting for this.'
I quickly make my way to Jihoon before he runs away. I hold on to his arms and bring him towards the back room before anyone sees us. I bring him inside and lock the door behind us.
"Why have you been avoiding me? Is it because of me moving out or something?" I ask him bluntly.
"No. It's not that." He hesitates for a bit.
"I'm just wondering since you've thought about moving out where did you plan to stay.?"
'It was because he was curious where I'd stay? He could've asked me directly. Why is he so unreasonable and cute at the same time? What do I do with this guy?' I thought.
"Hyung. Look at me."
I establish a strong eye contact with his.
"I know you are worried about me. But you don't need to stress out. You can just ask me anything. Got it? I could always get a new apartment or just move in with the others. They are more than ready to help and I think you know about it."
"So, do you have anyone on your mind?" He asks me. His eyes looked pleading like they were in delusion and wanted me to deny them.
'Looks like he is worried about me cheating on him. I want him to be guaranteed. Who is a little reliable? Maybe Wonwoo hyung? He's been my best friend the entire time.' I thought.
I take a look at his expecting eyes and reply,"Wonwoo Hyung."
His eyes glitch and his little smile immediately drops.

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