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"Hyung." I call out to him, grabbing his attention toward me. "Hmm." He answers bach not looking away from his phone like always.
"I am thinking of moving out." I get straight to the point.
After he hears me he stops for a while like he is trying to process what I just said.
"Why?" He questions not looking up.
"I think we are too close. Even if we are dating, we must make sure to keep our distance. We are Idols after all."
He doesn't answer me. I feel something's wrong. I grab his shoulders and make him face me. I pull his chin up and I see his teary eyes.
"Hyung! What's wrong? Please don't cry." I hug him trying to comfort him.
"I'm fine. Just that your words were sudden. It's like you've been thinking it through. Were you planning to move for a while now?" He asks me, his voice muffled in my sweatshirt.
"It's not like that Hyung. How can I ever think about leaving you ever? How many years has it been since we've started dating? If I wanted to leave I could've done it years ago. It's just that the member have been suspicious about us. So, I just wanted to distance a little." I answered.

A/N: Sorry for short chapters.

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