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It didn't take long for our friends to find out the good news. Of course, it was mostly my fault. I did call Rachel sometime during the night, which she didn't appreciate until I told her what was going on.

She said, "took you guys long enough." As if it was always that obvious.
...wait, was it?
Anyways, she ended up telling Jenny, who of course told Bee, and so on.
Now we're all getting breakfast together to celebrate the news! They're excited because now everyone in the group has a partner.

It's morning and I still feel giddy inside. It feels surreal.
I put on a nice pair of jeans and sweater. It's purple, one of my favorite colors.

My phone dings with a text from Bee saying she was here.
She wanted to pick me up to hear all the details. She does love gossip.

She jumps out the car and squeals when she sees me.
"Kori! My girl, Kori! Give me a hug."
She embraces me in a nice hug.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you! We're gonna have to go on double dates for sure."

"Ooh I like that idea", I agree.

She opens up the back door.
"Victor came along I hope you don't mind. I'll sit in the back with you in case there's something in the story you're gonna tell that you don't want to share with him."
She gives me a wink.

I get in and Victor greets me with a happy smile.
"Well, well, well....look who it is!"

Is it really that big of a deal? Of course it is to me, but to them?! They're my friends though and they've been trying to get us together for awhile now, so I guess it makes sense.

Bee sits in the back with me."

"We got 15 minutes so start talking."
She rubs her hands together with a smirk on her face.

I tell her about what happened and I can see Victor look back at us through the mirror every once in awhile. He has a grin on his face.

When I'm finished Bee claps her hands together.
"I wonder where he's gonna take you tonight. Do you need help picking out an outfit?"

Her eyes seem to twinkle.
"I thank you Bee, but I think I'll be just fine."
She scoffs.

Vic finally speaks up.
"I'm happy for you, Kor, but you better let me know if he treats you wrong cause if he does just one little thing I will kick his ass."

Bee giggles.
"Calm down, Sparky. They'll be fine."

"I'm just saying cause Kori's like a sister to me."

Awww. I feel my heart gush at that. I love these guys.
We arrive at our usual place for breakfast and I lean up and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I don't wish harm upon him, but I'll let you know if he ever does anything. Thank you."

He smiles.

As soon as we enter, the others give me applause and Wally even whistles at me. I feel so embarrassed, but that's just how they are.
Richard isn't here yet. I'm sure he'll be put through the same treatment.

Rachel even gives me a sincere smile.
"I'm glad you're happy, Kori. Though it took a little long for you two."

Wally leans forward.
"Sooo....is he a good kisser?"
I redden at that.

"What is wrong with you", Jenny gives him a little slap on the head.

He pouts.
"What? It's a valid question! I'm just curious."

Bee laughs.
"That's a weird thing to be curious about, Wally."
Her laughter continues until Richard finally enters.
"Dick, you've finally made it. You made your girl wait so long."
Garfield let's out a little chuckle.

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