"Who the fuck does he think he is?"

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Vance's POV
I stand infront of the school's main entrance. Everyone is staring and whispering behind my back. I wonder why.

A week ago.

I was standing infront of my pinball machine at the grab n go.
I quickly eye the score before focusing on the small metal ball again.
My score was getting higher and higher. Everyone starting crowding around me, trying not to get too close to me or the pinball machine. As my score nearly hit 100,000, some stupid ass cuntwad bumped into my machine and made the ball go in the hole.

"..YOU FUCKER!" I yell at him. I quickly grab him by his shoulders and slam him onto the ground and start punching him in the nose.
I know im an asshole, but i couldn't care less about that fucker, anyway.

Bruce Yamada's POV

I'm riding on my bike after a long day at the baseball field. Mom told me to buy some stuff at the grab n go, so that's where i'm gonna stop by at.
The grab n go is usually really empty and calm.
But when i arrived there, the first thing i noticed was the huge crowd that was standing inside and outside the window.

Vance Hopper? I think to myself.
Vance is what you call somebody with severe anger issues, a huge criminal record at the age of 15,
and just a terrible reputation in town. Rumours say that he started smoking when he was 11, honestly fucked up.

Me and Vance used to be really good friends,
However after his parents divorced, we became really distant.

Vance was beating a kid up, again. However this time i saw him with a bloody knife in his hand through the window.
I drop my bike to have a better look inside.

The kid was laying on the ground with his arm out, his arm had something carved in it. My eyes widen seeing that.
I feel a strong urge to vomit.
Surely Vance had a good reason to do this.. right?.

However, it wasn't long until the police arrived and took Vance away, the grab n go closed right after Vance had left with the police.

Vance's POV

I stand there as i keep hearing other students whisper and just talk shit about me. It honestly made my fists clench. But i know i can't beat someone up again.. Well atleast not in public.

I inhale sharply, as i walk into the school building. And not to my surprise, all eyes were on me.
Huh.. i guess going to jail for a week really scares people off.

Everyone in town is terrified of me, except for one person, though.
And that one person was none other then North Denver's golden boy, baseball star Bruce Yamada.

Honestly whenever i talked to him he'd just excuse me. What a pretty son of a bitch.

I continue walking down the hall, everyone gives me side-eyes whenever they walk past me.
I have history first period. Well that just sucks.

I enter the history class and everyone immediatly turned around from their seats to just look at me.

Mr. Reeves, looks at me as i enter the room.

"Vance. Uhh... You can sit next to..." he looks around for a bit before quickly eyeing Bruce.

"Go sit next to Yamada here."
I narrow my eyebrows. I then sigh.
"Mr.Reeves, I think that he'd rather die then to sit next to me, I'm assuming?" Bruce huffs out. Turning his head till he can just see me.

"You got a problem, Vance?" Mr.Reeves eyes me.

"..Nah." I then walk towards where Bruce was sitting. I take a seat next to him.

Bruce's POV

Vance takes a seat next to me. I occasionally eye him as i silently take notes.
Vance is just leaning back on his chair. I'm surprised he hasn't fallen and hit his head yet.

Whenever i look at him as i'm taking notes, i notice that he would be looking at me too. However he'll quickly look back at the teacher when i caught him.

Am i really that ugly or something?

Vance's POV
History is so fucking boring. I lean back over my chair.
That's when i look at Bruce.

He always really intrigued me. He never showed fear whenever i was around.
Who the fuck does he think he is, though?
I mean, i don't mean it in a bad way.
However, it always seems like he just says whatever the fuck he wants to say about me. Not alot of people have the balls to do that.

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