«His Tutor»

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Whatever, it wasn't long until i realised he was looking at me too. So i just looked back to the teacher.

It was towards the end of class when Mr.Reeves announced that we had a test tomorrow. Honestly, what the fuck? Does this dumbass really think I can study this lame ass shit in one day?

" Vance! Since you were absent for a week, Bruce will be your tutor. " He said, looking at me and Bruce.

Bruce narrowed his eyebrows and just scoffed.

" Seriously, sir? Why me? " He demanded.

" You got a problem, Yamada? " i eyed him, crossing my arms.

" No, i just don't wanna be beaten the fuck up. "
He answered.

Bruce's POV

I said, looking back at Vance.

" Well, like it or not. You're tutoring Vance. " Mr.Reeves said.

I sighed, " Fine. "


The bell rang. My last class had just finished. I let out a relieved sigh, however i then realised that i had to tutor Vance.

I left the class, i started walking towards the school exit before somebody stepped in front of me to stop me from leaving the damn shithole.

And not to my surprise, it was Vance.

" Uh. About the tutoring, you can forget about it. " he said. I raised my eyebrow to this, obviously i don't wanna tutor him, but i also don't want him to fail every class and get held back.

" Uhm, actually- let's NOT forget about it. " i suggested.

He looked confused.

" I'm not a pussy like the rest of this shithole of a school. " i said, it was true, though.

" Woah... Since when was Bruce Yamada like this? " he asked, looking really confused.

" Doesn't matter, lets go." I sighed, continuing to walk towards the exit.

" Wait the fuck up for me, Yamada! "
Vance yelled as he speed walked behind me.

Authors Note:

Sorry for short chapter, i will make the next chapter longer!
no promises tho 💀

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