Season 3 pt 1

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For once everything but Ace was going to shit

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For once everything but Ace was going to shit. Sure Ace still was doing his drugs just to calm himself down and get some sleep in but seems like others had it worse. His sister now had frequents panic attacks from nightmares of the day at school, Miguel was in a coma, Robby was on the run, and Hawk was turning more psycho day by day. Ace was just his usual messed up.

Ace was currently in Bear's convenience store. He'd wanted a way to make his own money and he'd practically begged Bear to let him help out.

Bear didn't want him to get caught up in this shit because he wouldn't only be selling food.

"Bro don't spill any of that."

"I ain't gonna spill it dumbass."

Ace was bagging up some of the weed in the back of the store. To get to the part of the store of the room they were in you had to go through one of the refrigerator doors. Sure, it was cold as hell in there, but it was fucking cool.

Ace got the white powder into the bag and spun it around tying it into a knot.

"Dang man you learn quick." Bear said looking at the bag Ace had just made

"Learned from the best." Ace replied

"Damn right you did."

Ace looked up at him and grinned.

"It was two weeks ago today at West Valley High, where what can only be described as an all-out karate riot caught students and faculty off guard, sending shock waves through the valley."

The news was on in the room showing the damage done to the school after the fight. It was messed up.

"Dang is that where you was? Looks like a tornado went through there or some shit."

"Yeah." Ace answered his eyes still locked on the screen

"Police are still looking for Robby Keene, who ran away after kicking fellow student Miguel Diaz off a second floor balcony, landing right here on this staircase-

The screen to the tv changed suddenly and Ace looked at Bear who was holding the remote, "Nah man I ain't letting you listen to that right now."

Ace huffed but knew he was right he didn't need that right now, "Okay whatever but please change it to something else I am not watching no coco melon."

Bear laughed, "Why this little kids cool." He said teasing him

"Looks like his parents got a spoonful of butter slapped it on his head and called it hair."

"Nah you just ain't cool enough."

"Oh really. You're a drug dealer whose best friend is a 17 year old."

"Yep and you're the 17 year old that's friends with him." Bear responding grinning

All Ace could do was chuckle and nod his head in agreement. Yes he was indeed that 17 year old.

Bear laughed at him and ruffled up Ace's new cut hair. Ace swatted his hand away, "Eh don't be messin up this perfection!"

While Ace was ok and calm right now for once his parents were the opposite. The principal called a meeting with all of the parents to talk about what the next step was after the fight.

"We have a new initiative called Hugs Not Hits." It's like a dare except it actually works." The principle announced

"So your solution is to hug kids?"

"Actually they would hug each other."

One of the teachers stepped up beside the principle in hopes to help out, "What Counselor Blatt is trying to say is no more karate."

"Zero tolerance from here on out." The principle said

Daniel stood up in annoyance, "Wait. You don't need to turn this into some kind of karate Footloose! Karate is not the problem! When I went to school here, I was bullied, and karate saved me."


"I heard you were the real bully."

Daniel and Amanda looked around trying to find out who'd said that.

"Parents please. We are all trying to move on and handle this, with the most appropriate response. I'm very sorry." The principle said in hopes to calm them all down

But Amanda was not calmed down in fact she was more riled up, "Tell me how it's appropriate that our daughter got suspended while some dime store Freddy Krueger nearly tore her face off."

"She was the one who was tramping around with her own brother's boyfriend!"

"Ok, no, no. That's---"

"Excuse me who said that?" Amanda yelled out

"Our daughter was not responsible for any of this." Daniel said trying to defend his wife and daughter

"Oh don't get all high and mighty LaRusso. You're the one who sent your trans child to a physc ward." Someone yelled at him

Daniel widened his eyes in shock. He didn't know people knew.

"Yeah and you're the one who taught these kids that Miyagi crap."

"Yeah it was your student who hurt Diaz."

"You reap what you sow."

Everyone was ganging up no on Daniel and he just stood there motionless at loss for words.

"Ok everyone please take a seat. Alright settle down!"

He/Him Miguel Diaz x ocWhere stories live. Discover now