Uncle Kenji

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"That's a really good thing, Isn't it Sister Mei?" Kana asked with a hint of excitement in her voice to which Mei nodded and said "Yes...luckily the kid's uncle lives in the safe zone."

What she meant by a safe zone was within her territory. Mei wasn't too good at strategizing but seeing her father in clan meetings, she knew how to talk diplomatically. Mei looked at her guard and said "Take the kid to Kenji and make sure they are safe." The guard nodded and signaled Yami to come with him.

Yami told him that he needed to take his bag and the rest of his payment. The money was nothing for him but if Santo and Mei find out that a civilian kid let go of 2500 Ryo then they could become suspicious. Yami took his bag from the storage room and his remaining wage from the bald man and left with the guard. He thanked Kana for helping him find his uncle while going.

After Yami left Santo looked at Kana and asked "Kana it's not like you to help someone so openly and get involved in such things personally. Any specific reason for helping out this kid?"

Kana looked at her brother who knows her the best and then at Mei who also had a curious gaze "I don't know when I saw him sitting on the side of the ship watching the sunset, he looked like someone who has no worries, and is just letting his life flow like a river but when I looked into his eyes, I got a different feeling as if he is thinking about a million things at the same time. While talking with me he was never flustered and always remained calm which wasn't even possible for the guards who stayed with us since we were kids."

Mei smiled after hearing Kana's words and said "You should become a scholar Kana. If that boy was any older then I would have thought you are in love with him or something." Santo and Mei laughed to which Kana couldn't help but shake her head at her sibling's antics.

Yami along with the guard was walking in the market. No one bothered to look at the guard as it was common for clan guards to stroll through the market for patrol or even buy stuff for their families.

After a few seconds, both of them stopped in front of a closed shop with a small house on the side. The guard went ahead and knocked on the door thrice as he shouted "Kenji, come on out." Within seconds the door opened with the late thirties goatee guy opening the door.

Kenji saw the sudden visit from a clan guard was on high alert and was about to ask the reason when the guard said "See who is here to meet you." The guard stepped aside only to reveal Yami standing behind him.

Kenji whose real name was Hideki got confused as he didn't realize the one Tsunade told him about was standing before him. Before Hideki could say or question anything, Yami gave a smile and jumped into Hideki's arms. Seeing a kid jump into his arms and detect no malicious intent, Hideki subconsciously bowed and let Yami wrap his arm around him.

Yami moved his head toward Hideki's ear and said "Captain Hideki...welcome your nephew Yuta properly on Hokage-Sama's order. Hideki's eyes widened as he realized that the one he and his students were bitching about yesterday was currently in his arms.

This happened outside Hideki's house and this was visible to everyone who could see his shop. Two passersby also saw this and stopped as their jaws dropped to the floor. These two were none other than Daichi and Daiki who Hideki had placed to find any indication that Hokage-sama sent Jonin here and is trying to contact them.

Hideki quickly gained his composure and hugged Yami as he said "Yuta my little nephew...look how much you have grown. It has been so long since I have met you." Seeing that Yami had met his uncle and Kenji was fine, the guard said his goodbyes and left.

As soon as he left and Yami entered the house, the demeanor of Yami and Hideki changed instantly. "That was a very reckless way to come to me. You could have gotten my cover blown or worse gotten yourself and me killed." Hideki said in an annoyed tone. He was impressed with how Yami made contact with him but he had never seen such a reckless shinobi before. It made him wonder what their current Hokage was even thinking.

"Tsk...as if I wanted to. Kana Terumi and Mei Terumi were the ones who did all this. I just wanted to get close to the Terumi family through them and find some information as to what is happening." Yami said as he sat on the sofa. He had a cold and unapologetic tone in his voice which pissed Hideki more.

Before Hideki could retort more, Yami looked up towards the ceiling and said "I don't believe we have met. You guys must be the twins."

Hideki didn't think that Yami would sense the twins eavesdropping from the outside. Even the twins looked at each other. They nodded at each other and entered the house through the window. They stood on either side of Hideki.

Hideki sighed and said "If you just wanted to stay close to the Terumi house you could have just said a random name which they would have never found and you would get to work in the Terumi clan grounds."

"And how did you know captain's alias?" Daichi asked to which Hideki said "Daichi it was me...I had sent all our aliases to the village so that they can locate us quickly. I didn't know it would be used in this way."

"The reason for taking your name is because Tsunade sama insisted on working with you guys. I prefer to do things alone than let myself get dragged along with you guys." Yami said which Hideki furious. This kid whom they think isn't even worthy of being a Jonin is now belittling them.


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Link in the synopsis as well.

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