No time for Trust

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"I will tell you about the mission but I am not working under you. I will cooperate with you so that we complete this mission. We don't have enough time to build trust and then follow a hierarchy. Does that work for you?" Yami asked. This way Yami would get the information he wants from the spies and he won't even have to work with them all the time.

"Yami I still think that's too ambitious of you. But you are right and we do not have much time. Lord 3rd liked to only watch things from afar and only act if it is going to affect our village directly. On the other hand, Lady Tsunade seems to have taken the initiative to do something this time. So tell me about it. What's the mission?" Hideki asked.

Yami glanced at Daiki and Daichi who were also standing beside Hideki and said " Lady Tsunade wants the hidden leaf to build a closer relationship with the hidden mist."

Hideki frowned and said "But how are we going to do that now? We are already too late and the Mizukage faction received the backing from the hidden stone."

Yami smirked and said "That's why you are going to back the bloodline clans' faction and have one of them become the next Mizukage. That will put them in our debt."

The eyes of the three widened when they heard this ridiculous idea. They didn't think Yami would suggest they enter into direct conflict. "W-What?? Are you crazy? We are so less in number and expect Hideki sensei all others are only chunin level." Daiki shouted

Hideki raised his hand signaling Daiki to immediately stopped. Hideki then turned to Yami and asked "Why did you say that you are going to instead of we are going?"

"Because that's how it's going to be. I want the spies to approach the bloodline clan leader and tell them that you will help." Yami said in a casual tone but Daichi instantly leaned forward and asked "You want our years of hard work to go down the drain? What kind of a stupid plan is this where you pull out perfectly rooted spies from an enemy village or any village for that matter.?"

Yami said "What will you think will happen if the bloodline clans win?"

"I don't know what you are saying. I don't think it's going to become a problem for us as we are already living on the bloodline clans' side" Daichi shrugged.

Yami shook his head and said "The bloodline clans will kill everyone they find suspicious. You may have lived in this village for the past few years without being caught because the hidden mist was busy with its own problems but when it's over they will investigate each and every one. After what happened to our ship, they know they have a traitor amidst their ranks."

Daichi and Hideki nodded as they thought deeply about what Yami said. They had indeed taken a lot of advantage due to the internal problems of the hidden mist. This won't be possible after this conflict is put to rest. Hideki looked at Yami and asked "What was that last part about your ship getting attacked?"

Yami waved his hand signaling him to let it go and said "Nothing much. Just a couple of pirates and stone shinobis ambushed us and I had to help out the Terumi siblings in the end. Don't worry they don't suspect me."

"You should have told this us before. I will include it in this month's report that will be sent to the village." Daichi said.

"No need to. I will include it in the report I will write today. She wants weekly updates. By the way, where are the other spies of our village planted here? I do have their aliases but I don't want to waste time in finding their location." Yami said as he started eating.

'Lady Tsunade trusts him more than I thought. Does he have any strength other than illusions?' Hideki wondered. He was currently tiptoeing around Yami to gauge his strength but Yami didn't want to react much to it.

"I will send a signal to our spies to gather and meet you tomorrow then we can formulate a plan." Hideki said. This was a straightforward procedure so he just casually mentioned it but to his annoyance Yami denied it.

"I don't trust them and I don't trust you guys either. For the next few days, I will need to confirm that none of the spies had turned against our village. I have my own way to know if it is the truth so don't worry." Yami said.

"I want to retort your statement but it is possible for some of the spies to have been caught and made into a double agents. Until then what are you going to do?" Hideki asked.

Yami shrugged and said "My uncle is a vegetable vendor so it is obvious for me to help him out at the shop."


Blood Mist Village

Mizukage Building.

Two people were sitting across from each other in a dimly lit office. One of them had the headband of the hidden mist while the other one had the headband of the hidden stone. The one with the headband of the hidden mist had light blue hair and white tape around his neck. He was a tall and slim man.

The one with the hidden stone headband tapped his fingers on the armchair and said "We suffered quite a loss based on the information you provided us. A few jonins and even a dog that we had spent resources on nourishing have gone missing due to this. How are you planning on compensating us for this Moji?"

The man with the blue hair was Moji, the current head of the 4th Mizukage's faction and someone who hated the bloodline clans to his very core. Hearing what the hidden stone shinobi said he clenched his fists and said "It was your idea to ambush those good for nothing anyway. I told you they don't have much power so no need to focus on them. And now you want to extort us for your gamble?"


The chapter with 1500 words is already uploaded in Jonin tier

To read 19 extra chapters go to my Patreón

Link in the synopsis as well.

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