The Cursed prince and the fairy forest

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This is purely a Fanfic and I don't own WMMAP or its Characters

Two years have passed by I am still with my friends . We thought we could enjoy and have fun now that we are in boarding school with parties , night out's but we are currently...
Sorrel: Briony! Where the heck is the report from the Tea club?
Briony: How many times should I say that tea club has not submitted it still
Sorrel: I don't want excuses I need it to finish my Report you are the one who manages the clubs.
Briony: Oh come on it's not like I have a magic pocket to get you anything and everything at your wish
Sorrel: You wish you had
Briony: What did you say you two faced prince
sorrel: Back at you Pip Squeak
Jared : Cas I need the your budget for the outdoor training session
Cassia: Ed I submitted it yesterday and what about the budget approval?
Jared: Ria did you check the documents?
Cassia: What about the budget and instructors list ria ?
Sorrel: Ria tell this book worm to shut up
Briony : Ria tell this Hot head to shut up
Ria: Ehh!
Lzy:  Princess your hand stopped moving 
Ria: Where was I again Lzy
Lzy: You are currently in the student council with the other members discussing and you in middle of that stack  approving the documents as the student council president.
Ria: That's not what I was asking where is my tea parties, night out , Plays and-
Lzy: Please come back to reality 
Ria: Damn that batch of con artists to set us up for this Jungle
Lzy: Princess that's not the way you should address our seniors and teachers
Ria: Anyway stop fighting guys rel and bri go together to club directly and get the report and ed and cas I will look into the documents for the budgets and list but where is Richard?
Richard: I am here president and here is the report and the I already checked the budget and list we have issues in it here you should check it out president
"Thank you Vice president" the four said together
Ria: Then you guys can finish up it's getting late I will finish the  work with richard and Lzy
Sorrel: Goddess thank you! I will get some sleep
Briony: Have some tact rel ! sorry ria but we need a break we will come back and finish the rest tomorrow
Cas: Yes ria I will have to go to the grounds to check up on them sorry
Ed: If you want I can stay back
Ria: No problem it's your turn to check the dorm right oh richard you too right
Richard: Ohh yes but you
Sorrel: I will help ed with it no problem
Richard: Thank you 
Ria: Bri your turn for girls dorm check right ?
Bri: Yepp will do it with cas once she finishes don't worry
Ria: Ok then see you tomorrow guys. Thank you for the hard work
As we three were working lzy noticed something and came to me
"Princess I need to get out for little bit there is something i forgot" said Lzy 'forgot and lzy never it must be the information from our organization' "Yes lzy take your time." i said "Please take care of her highness in my absence Prince Richard" "Yes Miss Beckworth" said richard "I am not a child so just go" i said "Please excuse me" she said as she went out
As we went through the documents
"Ohh it's already time for entrance ceremony sure time flies" i said "Yes sure does" he said "I remember we met during the ceremony for the first time " "and you were the only one princess who was brave enough to say lets get along to the cursed prince" "Oh come on they all just didn't know what it means to be really cursed and those dirty rumors around you were all just exaggerated stories of series of co incidences, and why do you think i am brave for that? don't call yourself a cursed prince you look more like a prince from a fairy tale ohh there are some in that who are cursed maybe that's why they call you that don't worry you are more fit for being prince charming and over the years they have recognized your true self" "I don't think I can believe people who go for looks and made up personality" "We can't express our true feelings ,outside we have to look at all equally and always face the situation up right that's the duty-" "of the prince and princess" he finished my sentences "But richard do you know the trick , we can show our feelings to some people the people who are close to us to whom we are not a prince or a princess but just us" "What if we don't find one" "Then be one yourself" "You give the most unexpected answers princess then do you think  I am one of your people then?" "What do you think Do I express myself and show my true feelings to you?" "You manipulate people well princess" "Thank you for the compliment oh but when are you going to call me by my name?" "How could I call the princess of obelia empire by her name" "You can if i allow it, don't you consider me as your friend?" "What do you think" "I don't know" "Take a break have some this tea" "you brewed it , (sips it) It tastes good i like this it suits my taste" "I thought so I came across it in a wandering merchants tavern he also has many items and unique delicacies from the east" "Is that so" "Yes If you want we could visit it together" "Ohh sure we should all go together bet the other members will love it" "All- Ohh yes sure you look tired lets continue tomorrow" "So do you lets wrap up finish it tomorrow" "Why are rushing this year too last year you just worked yourself out for that one free day and came back and worked again to go home for holidays on time what do you even do that day for you to exert yourself so much" "Ohh it's just I have a very important commitment ohh tomorrow i would like to finish the council work by evening I have some important personal work" "Ohh sure" "see you then good night" "Good night" 
Outside the dorm room
"princess I was just coming to meet you" Lzy said "Ohh did you find it" I asked her "Yes" "lets first go Inside" 
"So this the information we got from the only trading company which has touch with the fairies according to them they don't know the specific place in the forest but they are told to leave the goods near the cave here " "Then the barrier must be setup there ok lets proceed as per plan we are going there tomorrow" "yes princess" 
Next day Night
"So this is the cave, I can feel the presence of the barrier magic even if some one passes through it  I am sure they will go round and round through the forest stay here Lzy I will go on my own from here" I said analyzing it "No way princess I am coming with you" said Lzy "Then let me accompany you" said a voice from behind "Richard ! you shouldn't be using your powers like this to conceal yourself" "What are you doing here princess it is dangerous in here" "I have to consult about an issue with the fairies they are the only one with the solutions so I have to go" "But How  can I leave you go alone" he asked "Don't worry i am stronger than i look and I have a cheat code too " i said pointing at my wrist "ohh if you want then if I don't show up for more than hour don't come by yourself but Lzy ask that person for help through the orb he will surely guide you both so then see you" "Return safe princess" "I will be waiting princess" richard said
Inside the barrier
"Who dares to enter our sacred land in the presence of the guardian"
"Long time no see Guardian of the Fairies Silenia or Can I still call you silph" I said as i removed my hood to meet my old friend and now the only protector of fairies "I need a favor silph will you help your foolish old friend?" "How can it be possible ria died giving up her life for those foolish beings' How come.." "Yes Crown princess of fairies  Asteria celeste died and I am her reincarnation Ariadhana De Alger Obelia" "Are you really ria ?"asked a familiar voice from behind.

Sorry for the late update hope you like the story flow Please do vote for this story and comment oh how you think about it please excuse my grammar mistakes or any other error

With best regards

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