The Doctors girl (9)

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Chloe sat in the flat with Mia and smiled. She knew that she was tired of all the drama and that she couldn't put up with it anymore. She only came for her sister and she only came back to let cal know that he was a father. She didn't come back for him

Chloe heard a knock at the door and stood up and answered the door and smiled as she saw Leigh "hey, I know it's early but I need to talk to you" Leigh said ad Chloe frowned


"It's Becky. She is threatening that she is going to kill you so that she can have cal and Mia, I'm worried your my sister and I love you and I will always be there for you but I'm worried, she's deranged chlo. I think that you need to go to the police" Leigh said as Chloe frowned

Chloe knew that she was right and how it was the right thing to do but she also knew how she wanted to see cal before "I need to speak to cal before I do anything. I don't want to seem as if I am the ex getting his girlfriend locked up" Chloe said as Leigh nodded

"I get that but remember you're the mother of his child. Besides becky was always a rebound I have seen how he is since you got back, I had seen how you both look at each other and I know that you both have feelings for each other still" Leigh said

Chloe looked to her sister and smiled. She knew that she was worried over everything that was going on and how deranged that Becky was being all that she cared about was her daughter and keeping her safe but she knew Becky had already threatened to hurt her before

"I just can't do this anymore Leigh. I have done nothing wrong. Cal and I have not cheated. We're exes who had a child, a child he didn't know about and all I have done is for her and she's acting like a psychopath" Chloe said as Leigh looked to her and smiled

"It's because she's is. Look don't let it get to you, she has always been this way and as my baby sister I will do anything to protect you even if it is my ex friend" Leigh said as Chloe looked to her and smiled

Chloe knew how worried that she was over it and she just wanted all of this over with. She couldn't deal with it anymore


Chloe got to the Ed and looked to see cal and smiled as Mia walked over to him as he picked her up and held her close. Cal walked over to the car where Chloe was and looked to her and frowned

"Are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and frowned

"No, not really. I'm going to the police station later. Your girlfriend has gone too far" she said as he looked to her and frowned

"What's she done now" he asked

"Well she tried to pay me to leave with your daughter and never contact you again and when I refused she told Leigh she was going to kill me so that she could have you, I can't keep this up cal. I didn't come back for you I came back for Mia and what was best for her and that was so that she could know her father, I came back for Leigh. I can't play this mind games. It's dangerous" Chloe said

Cal looked to her and sighed, he could see how on edge that she was and he knew that Becky was his rebound and he didn't care for her not like Chloe. All that he cared about was Chloe and Mia and what was best for them

"I'll come with you. I care about you Chloe and I never stopped. Let me come with you, let me keep you safe" he said as he placed a hand oh her cheek as she looked to him and nodded

He pulled her into a hug and smiled as he held her close. He knew that they had to get rid of becky for once and for all


Chloe got back to her flat and smiled "do you want me to stay no funny business" he asked as Chloe looked to cal and nodded

"Please I'm going to order some food, can you put Mia to bed" she said as he nodded

Cal looked to Chloe and looked to see how exhausted that she had seemed. All that he wanted was becky to be locked up and he wanted to keep Chloe safe

"It will be okay" he said as he pulled her into a hug and smiled, Chloe knew that she was scared and Chloe knew how her anxiety was through the roof because of all this but would they find becky or would she strike again?

The doctor's girl *C.knight*Where stories live. Discover now