Chapter One

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Curiosity has always killed the cat, hasn't it? Unknowingly the feline goes into a trap, never to see the light again after that. I had always hated being the one who was frequently chasing for the thrill of something new, yet it was addicting. Finding something unusual so I could squeeze the pleasure out of it and drain it of his life, knowing someday that one of these thrills might drain my life instead.

Everything had begun to feel so monotone, a daily routine that would repeat in circles until it drove me insane and I simply couldn't take it anymore. So I broke free from this normality, this cycle and I began chasing the things which I once believed were impossible. Yet some dreams are deemed to never be reached, and despite how much that saddened me I had begun to accept it. I do not control fate and nor will I try to for it is an endless battle against an enemy which you cannot see.

The newest thrill that I have attempted to indulge myself in is through exploring the nearby forests. Yet I would always come back home and indulge myself with the few luxuries that I could provide myself with. A bath and a comfortable bed, the two things which I constantly relied on when arriving from a long walk. I've been using them as an attempt to break free from my more supposedly more dangerous hobbies. Friends and family insisted that I attempt more safe or normal habits, it didn't provide me with the same level of energy yet I could survive out of it, for now at least.

Yet as I walk through the forest I see a path, trees surrounding a large dirt road, which leads towards a house. Frankly, it was more like a mansion, and I saw all of its glory behind a gate, separating us. The urge to find another thrill grew inside of me, and I shook the bars from the large entrance, and surprisingly it didn't take much to open it. Though the closer I got, the more I noticed how run down the place was. Tall grass almost covered the stairs, and the windows were all closed. Perhaps it was abandoned? Left to rot in the forest? Though why would someone do that to such a nice home, it deserved proper treatment.

I passed through the grass and knocked lightly on the door, making sure there was nobody there. No response was given to me, so I attempted the handle, to my amaze it opened. Why was everything here not locked? It's almost as if they were inviting people in, only to have nobody to greet them.

A stench came from the room immediately, and it caused me to tense up. "God," I whispered, looking away to attempt to get another dose of fresh air. "Hello?" I raised my voice, "Is there anyone here? Your gate is unlocked, and as you can see, so was your door." Again there was no answer, so instead I began inspecting the room. On the floor there were pieces of broken furniture and shards of glass. The more I saw what was inside the warrier I became. "When was the last time someone has been here?" I whispered, finally taking a step inside, but not allowing myself to close the door.

To my left there's a hallway, yet now I focus on the one straight across from me, the one which had stairs leading up to a different floor. I glance around, almost expecting someone to pop out, yet I sigh and go up regardless, nobody was there to stop me as far as I knew.

The steps creaked as I walked, adding to the unsettling feeling that grew in my stomach, yet at the same time I felt that same thrill in my heart. I felt the addiction coming back, the urge to explore every inch of the house until I found something to entertain me, and maybe I'd do exactly that, no matter how long it took. So many times I've been referred to as an adrenaline junky and I'm fully aware of it, I'll seek it in every spot of this house if I have to.

I begin to walk through the small hall, entering the nearest room, only to reveal a large bed and quite a few closets and cabinets. This was oddly exceptionally well kept, did someone clean it? No, it couldn't be, there was dust everywhere, it must simply just have not been used for quite some time. Maybe whoever left this expected to come back? Yet that wouldn't explain how the door and gate were open, muchless the broken furniture.

"What has happened here?" I ask myself, finding this situation becoming more unusual each second. Going towards one of the cabinets I open it, and the only thing inside is a screwdriver that I hesitantly pick up, putting it against the light from outside, revealing it to have dried blood on its tip. I drop it, moving away from the item with fear in my eyes. A giggle is heard outside of the door, and immediately I have to pick up the bloody object as I stand in front of the only barrier between me and this voice. Holding the tool out the laughing stops, allowing me to finally get the courage to speak.

"Whoever's out there, child or not, you're insane," my voice lightly shook as I remained gripping tightly onto the item, "I found your screwdriver, the one with blood on it. It isn't new blood since it's dried, what did you do with it? Who's blood is this?" Once again there's no response, and my frustration begins to build up. "Are you a murderer? Are you gonna kill me?" Then I hear those footsteps again. Long heavy strides, hitting onto the floor with a small thud. Whoever this person was they surely were not a child. Yet I didn't want to come out until I heard those steps fade away, only then did I hesitantly open just a fraction of it.

In front of me sat a porcelain doll, sat upright with two notes beside it, both of them folded in half. Then I open the whole door, and I crouch down to take one of the notes, and these were the words which were written on it:

1. No guests

2. Never leave Brahams alone

3. Save meals in freezer

4. Never cover Brahams face

5. Read a bedtime story

6. Play music loud

7. Clean the traps

8. Only Willow brings deliveries

9. Brahams is never to leave

10. Kiss goodnight

With a sigh I take the other note, opening it slowly.

"My blood." That alone was enough to make me shiver. "Follow the rules, and I'll be good. Stay here, don't leave, and help me."

Wall Breaker (Brahms Heelshire x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now