ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 2 ◇ 𝘽𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨

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𝙂𝙚𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I finished breakfast, ran upstairs to brush my teeth and grabbed my backpack. I ran back downstairs and put on my shoes while checking the time on my phone.

My mum entered the hallway, "Have a good day sweetheart."

"I will mum, love you!"

"Love you too!"

Then, I unlocked the door, closed it behind me, and made my way to school.


As usual, the hallways were bustling with students. Only today, there was one difference. The bullies weren't waiting for me near the door as they usually would in a morning. They were no where to be seen. I sighed in relief, maybe they had decided to leave me alone. I felt someone pull me backwards by my backpack.


"Will you just leave me alone for once?" I asked, clearly annoyed.

Axel smirked, "You really think you can stop us by just asking us?"

"How pathetic!" Ben teased.

Then, Axel forcefully pulled my backpack off me and swung it around his head. Both of the boys laughed at my attempts to get it back. But how was I supposed to get my backpack off someone much taller than me? I was going to be late to class at this rate.

They're both so childish.

I jumped as high as I could and snatched the backpack off him, running down the hall. Suddenly I crashed into someone, dropping my bag as a few books fell out.

"I'm so sorry! I-" I looked up to see Clay.

"It's fine, let me help you." He offered.

"Thanks...sorry about that again."

He helped me pick up my books and then Axel and Ben caught up with me.

"Oh so who's your little boyfriend here, gay boy?" Axel jeered.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I protested.

"Leave George alone. If you have a problem with him being gay, keep it to yourself!" Clay spoke, moving closer to them.

"Whatever. I bet you're gay too." Ben sneered.'

I rolled my eyes and they ran away.

"Thanks Clay." I brushed the specks of dust off my blazer.

"Anytime! You know, you should really tell someone about them though."

"They'll just bully me more for that."

"Not if they get excluded for continuing it."

"I guess..."

"Anyways, we should probably get to class. We have Science together first, right?" Clay reminded me.

"Oh, yeah!"


All through Science I couldn't concentrate. All I could think about was if I should tell anyone about Axel and Ben or not.

Soon enough, Miss Puffy told us to pack away our things and go to our next lesson. I quickly gathered together my pencil case and exercise book and stuffed them in my bag. I had English next.

I walked out of the classroom with Clay; he started talking about how we had homework.

"Wait- homework?" I asked.

"Yeah! Weren't you listening?"

"No...not really."

"Listen, don't worry about those bullies. We'll get them to stop eventually."

It was like he knew exactly what was on my mind.


It was now lunchtime, the morning had passed by slowly. I was sitting at a lunch table in the hall with everyone. It was almost like the weather matched my mood, rainy and miserable. A voice broke my trail of thoughts.

"George, are you okay?" Niki asked.'

"Not really."

"Is it Axel and Ben again?" Tubbo asked.


Sapnap turned to look at me, "You mean those boys that ran away after they locked you in that locker?"

I sighed, "Yep!"

"Those little shits! Want me to beat the crap outta them for you?" Alex made punching movements with his fists.

"Not to be rude but I don't think anyone has much of a chance against them. Axel's like, 6 foot!" I replied.

Alex slowly lowered his fists, "Oh..."

"Well Clay's about the same height! I bet he could." Sapnap exclaimed, "Not to be promoting violence but...just a suggestion!"t

Clay laughed, "Maybe."

Then, the bell rang. We all said bye and went to our classes. I had Computer Science next.


I knew no one in Computer Science and no one ever talked to me. I was never really bothered by it too much but I wish I had someone to talk to. Mr. Halo stood up at the front, recapping a few things and telling what our next project was. We were told to get into groups of three. It was usually two. No one ever wanted to pair with me for a project so I just got put with someone random half of the time.

But this time, one of the girls infront of me turned around.

"Hey, George right?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Wanna join us for the project?" She gestured to the girl sat beside her.


I was happy someone finally wanted to do a project with me. They seemed nice.

"I'm Aurora and this is my girlfriend Millie!" She introduced them both.

"Hello!" Millie turned around to talk to me.

"Hi! I guess I found my fellow gays." I laughed.

"Yep." They replied in unison.

"Soooo, what should we do the project on?" Aurora asked.

"I was thinking we could maybe code a game?" I suggested.

"Genius, do you play Minecraft?" Millie asked.

I was surprised, most people I met thought it was just some little kids block game.

"Yeah, I do actually!"

"Great! Now all we need to figure out is what we should code exactly." Aurora said.

We spent the rest of the lesson figuring out all the details and what we would do. We also talked a bit about ourselves and us three have a lot in common. They also told me about how they met. A classic enemies to lovers story for sure but it was cute. I couldn't wait to introduce them to the rest of my friend group, if they wanted to of course.

As we were packing away our equipment, I took the chance to ask them.

"Do you two want to meet my friends? I'm sure you'd get along well with them."

"Sure, if you don't mind!" Aurora smiled.

"Yeah, that's fine with me!" Millie added.

"Great! I'll introduce you to them tomorrow."


What do you think of Aurora and Millie so far? 

960 Words


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